Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Self-Care Affirmations

Ride the Wave: Peace, Unity, Love, Creation

Ride the Wave: Peace, Unity, Love, Creation

3 Aug, 2022
As the year 2022 progresses, many of us sense pressure in all aspects of our being. Somedays it feels that mind, body, emotions, and spirit are being forced into a corner. When the outer world challenges us, we may feel trapped or that there is no way out. If you find yourself stuck in a corner, there is no choice but to go within.
Solstice: Have Forks Will Travel

Solstice: Have Forks Will Travel

5 Jun, 2022
As our days or nights reach their pinnacle of the longest day of light or dark, we seek balance with the Earth. The longest day in the North, embraces all the light within us. This light illuminates all the places we still carry darkness, a potent reminder to seek healing and light. As dark slowly returns, bless it, it is ready to be seen and guided to the light, for illumination.
Have Forks will Travel!

Have Forks will Travel!

1 Mar, 2022
As things in the world re-open and we emerge from our Covid cocoons, many report experiencing day-to-day activities differently than in the past. The pressure of everyday life has been intense and turbulent at times, often oscillating between high vibrational days and new lows, deeply felt and oft times confusing. There is a sense of being pushed and pulled at the same time, often raising questions about whether we are being called to up-level our life on Earth. What does this mean, how do we do it? Fortunately, we have been preparing for this and have tools at hand to transform current circumstances to a softer, kinder situation in our being.
The Season of Winter: Self-Care to Embody the Light

The Season of Winter: Self-Care to Embody the Light

7 Dec, 2021
The season of Winter is here. Whether you live in the Southern or Northern Hemispheres, light is the common theme. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere the light grows stronger and longer day by day. Let this light fill you up to illuminate all your gifts so you can share them with the world.
Acutonics Self-Care Tips – Autumn 2021

Acutonics Self-Care Tips – Autumn 2021

6 Nov, 2021
In autumn our world becomes darker here in the Northern Hemisphere. As the Sun rests, we are also being called to rest and realign, and to create more nourishing light within ourselves to shine out into the World. Remember the power of your Acutonics tools to bring light. When we take care of ourselves first, we have more to give, which is very important as we move into the giving season. Take the time now to care for yourself, create a regular routine to follow, use your intuition to discern what you most need at every level, body, mind, and spirit, then act on it. Peace, love, and kindness are qualities that start within, as we become them, we are better able to share them as we move through our daily lives. The World needs more of these qualities, starting with you. Give them to yourself today!
Self-Care with the Earth Element

Self-Care with the Earth Element

2 Sep, 2021
As we shift into late summer, chaos in the world seems to be increasing globally, which brings forth qualities of the Earth element such as worry, pensiveness and chaos, yet what it craves is peace. Our bodies are of the Earth and seek calm. When the world is crazy and feels a bit unsafe, it is an opportunity to go within to connect with our own inner peace. Direct your focus to the vibration of peace, this creates a rippling effect on those around you, families, friends, and the greater community. To become this vibration, take time to rest, eat well, tune-up with your tools and find a still point. As our vibration shifts, we will need different vibrations, all of which we have at our fingertips. As you journey inward feel what forks call to you. What points on your body are asking to be activated? Trust your intuition and yourself. YOU are peaceful!
Buddha’s Triangle – Reclaiming Joy: Moving Beyond the Pandemic and Political Trauma; The importance of calm, rest and taking time to recover

Buddha’s Triangle – Reclaiming Joy: Moving Beyond the Pandemic and Political Trauma; The importance of calm, rest and taking time to recover

14 Jun, 2021
As we begin to emerge from the profound trauma of the last year, it is critically important that we identify ways to find joy in our lives. The qualities of the Fire Element and Summer provide an opportunity to reclaim what was lost during the pandemic. As we experience lights return, and emerge from isolation to gather with friends, enjoy the warmth of companionship and the blessings of an abundant garden. This season is a time to open our hearts and embrace the Fire Element emotion, which is pure joy, or Le
Spring 2021: Self-Care Treatments

Spring 2021: Self-Care Treatments

29 Mar, 2021
Spring is a time for movement. We want to get out to visit friends, house clean, plant a garden or plant new seeds within our personal lives. This year Spring feels different, as so many of us remain in lockdown, at a time when we are all so ready to fly. This is a great opportunity to bring the Qiao Vessels into your treatment plans as both the Yin and Yang Qiao help to create balance and regulate movement between yin and yang. They invite us to adapt and engage in positive forward development in all aspects of our lives.
Self-Care: Your Harmonic House

Self-Care: Your Harmonic House

9 Feb, 2021
Happy Lunar New Year! At the start of every new year, I like to set my intentions for what I want more of in my life. This is the perfect opportunity to elevate our personal vibrations as well as the vibrations of our home and office. For this for article I invite you to focus on self-care not just for yourself, but throughout your entire home.
Uplift Your Spirit, With Self-Care Tips For Year’s End

Uplift Your Spirit, With Self-Care Tips For Year’s End

19 Nov, 2020
I am so grateful for the tools we have to keep ourselves healthy and uplift our spirits in this time of great change. 2020 is proving to be quite the wild ride. We are moving from the Metal element to the Water element and this transition is bringing forth great transformation within ourselves and the World. The key to riding this wave of transformation, is self-care, going within and focusing on what we want. In return, it is important to let go of what we don’t want and to not give it attention. Of course, this is easier said than done. If you are like me, past events keep bubbling up from seemingly no-where to now-here.

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