Sound Medicine, Tuning Fork Therapy Certification

Acutonics Sound Medicine, Tuning Fork Therapy Certification
Tuning Fork Therapy, a non-invasive gentle modality, with a scientific and spiritual foundation integrates beautifully into an Integrative Medical Model. All classes are offered over weekends in a series of modules that allow you to go at your own pace. There are teachers throughout the world offering the entire Acutonics Certification program and our curriculum has been translated into many languages. Acutonics is approved by the NCCAOM and the California Acupuncture Board (CAB) for continuing education.
Acutonics has three distinct modules of learning. Completion of each module earns a practitioner designation. Certified Acutonics® Practitioner, the highest level of achievement, is only achieved after completion of all three modules.
The creation of learning modules and measures of accomplishment are designed to demonstrate that students have achieved a level of competency that enables them to practice Acutonics® Sound Medicine after the completion of the first module. You will be listed on the Acutonics website and celebrated for your achievements. Fulfilling ALL modules gains greater recognition of achievement, including the designation Certified Acutonics® Practitioner.
Successful completion of each module of learning earns the following designation:
Module I: Associate Acutonics® Practitioner
Module II: Acutonics® Practitioner
Module III: Certified Acutonics® Practitioner
Module I Course Requirements
- Acutonics Level I: Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics
- Acutonics Level II: Higher Harmonics & the Inner Nature of Tone
- Points & Meridians
- Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine
- Ethics in Clinical Practice
- 30 Clinic Hours (8 must be from a clinic day, live on-line or in person)
Take home exam designed to help students understand the most important aspects of this module that should be mastered.
Successful completion of the above courses received the designation of Associate Acutonics® Practitioner.
Module II Course Requirements
- Acutonics Level III: Harmonic Attunement
- Acutonics Level IV: Advanced Harmonic Applications
- Sedna Super Conductor
- Harmonic Pathology
- Elective 1
- Case Studies: Clinical Documentaries
- 25 Clinic Hours (8 must be from a clinic day, live on-line or in person)
Take home exam designed to help students understand the most important aspects of this module that should be mastered.
Successful completion of the above receives the designation of Acutonics® Practitioner.
Module III Course Requirements
- Hygiea Holism & Expanded Consciousness
- Unwinding Trauma: The Eight Extraordinary Vessels and Fibonacci
- Elective 2
- Thesis or special project
- 45 Clinic Hours (16 hours in clinic or trade show days)
Successful completion of all III modules receives the designation of Certified® Acutonics Practitioner, the highest level of achievement.
Acutonics® Sound Healing Certification Program
The Acutonics® Certification program ensures that practitioners receive a high level of training in the integration of sound-based tools into a health care setting. The program addresses the diverse training needs of health professionals by providing a practical understanding of Integrative Medicine, East Asian Medicine, and Sound Healing. Our students include acupuncturists, nurses, doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, estheticians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychotherapists, veterinarians, massage therapists, musicians, and energy practitioners. Our unique curriculum is designed to expand the practitioner’s knowledge and competency in the basic principles of sound healing and East Asian Medicine, while taking previous training into consideration. In addition, practitioners engage in a process of self-exploration and self-development to be models of health and healing.
The entire Acutonics curriculum is approximately 400 hours, and includes ten core courses, and two electives. New electives are frequently developed and offered to enhance the knowledge of students and practitioners. Each course builds on prior class work, and there is significant hands-on experience. Students, who do not have a background in East Asian Medicine, are required to take the Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine and the Energetics of Points and Meridians and to demonstrate competency in point location. One hundred supervised clinic hours are required, and a student thesis or special project that demonstrates a depth of understanding of the Acutonics methodology. Most classes are held over weekends. However, some classes are broken into weekly modules and run for 6 weeks live on Zoom. Some instructors will schedule two classes at the same time to reduce travel for students. There are also opportunities for tutorials, and one-on-one learning. Students should directly contact the instructor to explore the wide range of options for classes.
The Acutonics® Certification Program has been approved by the NCCAOM for continuing education.
Acutonics Level I and Acutonics Level II have been approved by the California Acupuncture Board, Provider Number 1278, each class receives 24 hours of continuing education in Category 1.
Continuing Education Requirements
To maintain status as a practitioner of Acutonics in good standing there is a requirement for 24 hours of continuing education every two years. Prior to becoming a fully Certified Acutonics ® Practitioner the continuing education credits may be logged as a class completed for the next module, so the student gets to use their advancement through the program toward continuing education requirements. Once Certified there are numerous electives offered, as well as an opportunity to audit classes already taken, to promote continuous learning.