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Self-Care Affirmations

QiGong with Cody: Episode 2 - “Punching With An Angry Gaze”
24 Nov, 2024
Join Acutonics Faculty Cody Foor in the second installment of his QiGong + Acutonics series for the month of November . "The theme of this month in Acutonics Cosmos is Jupiter, our expansive and benefic friend. In honor of Jupiter and his association with the Wood Element and Liver, I am sharing the Brocade often called “Punching With An Angry Gaze”. The Wood element emotional pathology relates to anger, resentment and frustration. Many are having an extra dose of these feelings as we are still processing a contentious election year in America and witnessing the injustices and sufferings around the world as a global citizens." -Cody Foor

QiGong with Cody: Acutonics & the 8 Brocades - Episode 1 ~ Kidney Power
24 Nov, 2024
I believe Qigong is a wonderful complement to our Acutonics, both for self care and for our clients. There are a multitude of exercises and practices that fall under this broad category. In this monthly series of videos and PDF’s, I will be sharing a different Brocade for the Acutonics community.

Fall, the Metal Element, Letting Go and Discernment
24 Nov, 2024
Having traversed the Fall equinox, we are in the season when Qi (energy) moves inward, and days become shorter and darker. This is the season of the Metal element. Grief is the emotion of the Metal element. At times we all experience loss, separation, and “letting go,” and it is appropriate to feel grief at those times. One quality of balanced Metal energy is the ability to move on with grace.

Self-Care and the Earth Element
3 Sep, 2024
As Acutonics® practitioners we have unique planetary tools to joyfully ride the waves of this transformational evolutionary journey. Many of us feel a tad bit of excitement, even in all this uncertainty. I truly believe we all came here at this time to be part of evolutionary history and to joyfully ride the waves.

Healing Our Hearts
11 Jun, 2024
We are living in a time where many of us are experiencing heart sickness and heartbreak from the chaos of wars, lost loved ones, social and political divisiveness, and lack of connection to the Earth itself. The light of the shen spirit strains to shine.

Acutonics® Self-Care Tips: Navigate The Summer Heat
11 Jun, 2024
The year 2024 has been an energy intense time for many of us. Every month a unique planetary pattern urges us to awaken, release, and increase our consciousness to create more of what we want. This summer will be no different.

Acutonics® Self-Care Tips for the Green Wood Dragon Year
17 Feb, 2024
This is a powerful year for all of us. To gain a better understanding of what this means for our Acutonics community, I was guided to mediate with the Green Wood Dragon. Our inner dragon is asking all of us to use the next few weeks of Winter to go deep within, find our irritations, embrace them, feel the power within them, and then release the rest.

Winter 2023 Self-Care Tips
18 Dec, 2023
As winter sets in here in the mountains of Colorado, we move into the Element of Water, a time for deep reflection. In this season we may be drawn to explore our shadow-side, especially as holidays with friends and families often triggers buried emotions. The dichotomy of this season: media, family, and friends call on us to look outward to socialize and be merry, while we want to go inward – to explore the darkness, and to seek peace and deep healing. This friction can create tremendous stress.

October 2023 Acutonics® Self-Care Tips
27 Oct, 2023
Welcome to the flowing seasons, with so much uncertainty in the world it is a comfort to know that the seasons of Earth flow in a consistent way, to create balance as a whole. In the northern hemisphere we move into Fall and the Metal element. In the southern hemisphere we flow to Spring and the Wood element. In the north it is a time to be inspired, embrace the harvest, dance in bright colors, express gratitude for all the abundance, release what no longer serves us with ease and prepare for going deep within.

Embrace Mother Earth: Self-Care for Late Summer
14 Aug, 2023
Late summer and the Earth in all her green glory is upon us, an invitation to enjoy these last weeks of Summer. The Leo energy of August, ruled by the Sun represents our hearts as we transition to the sign of Virgo and move to the ruling planets of Mercury and Chiron. Virgo energy helps us process what is not aligned with our hearts from the Leo energy. Chiron is perfectly placed to help heal our hearts. Virgo also rules the harvest and fertility representing abundance and creativity. What is it you are creating, is your heart’s abundance flowing with ease? If not, perhaps you are out of alignment with the energy of the heart. Chiron can guide heart healing back into the flow of abundance, creativity, and alignment.