Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine


Summer Solstice: Reverence

12 Jun, 2024

During summer, we are pulled willingly or unwillingly into understanding the power of Pele, and other aspects of the Fire Element. As temperatures skyrocket, and each month becomes the warmest on record only to be eclipsed by the next month, it is important to remember that we have tools to help us navigate these challenges. Moving into Summer Solstice and the Fire Element let’s plant seeds of potential, find joy, love, laughter and zest for life as we embrace the gifts of the season.

Year of the Green Wood Dragon: Renewal & Regeneration

9 Feb, 2024

As we welcome Spring, and all it represents it, is an opportune time to move forward with Acutonics, enacting plans that have been in strategic development for the past year.

Transitions in Time: Kairos, Kronos, Still Point

18 Dec, 2023

As solstice and the New Year approach, we enter a season when we feel drawn to reflect on possibilities and to manifest energy for all the tasks before us. Anxiety is heightened as we look outward at ongoing wars, environmental losses, and the daily challenges we bear witness to in our modern world. We feel the gravity of time, past experiences, present realities, and future potentialities.

Soundings for Peace

27 Oct, 2023

Archetypes and synchronicity play a huge role in the development of the Acutonics System.  Significantly through sound vibration, not just any sound, the sounds of the cosmos, heavenly harmonies, or music of the spheres we touch something that is literally collective and universal. This world of symbols and images of the collective unconscious connects with the rhythms of the whole universe and the generative power of all that is matter and mind and heart and spirit. When destructive narratives and patterns overtake us, it is of vital importance that we acknowledge what is in the collective, conscious, or unconscious, and through the power of our clear intentions, and proper use of the sound tools we have at hand, do everything in our power to promote a cycle of harmony and health.

The Eternal Return

27 Oct, 2023

Ellen and I have just returned from a month’s long journey and exploration that took us to Italy, Sicily, Spain, and France. We explored hundreds of miles of archeological, geological, and theological splendors and ruins. From underground caves to vertical and sinking cities, stressed climates, Megalithic haunts, and Neolithic nuances, to the strange DNA of the Basque and Catalonian treasures. We saw fracture zones of volcanism bearing lush landscapes, the otherworldly landscapes of Mount Aetna, and the massive underground temple of the Hypogeum in Malta, as well as other sights that predate the temples of Ancient Egypt. Roman ruins abound everywhere. A truly haunting sense of the layering of civilizations, one built on top of the other. Great civilizations destroyed and rebuilt, power centers relocated, cathedrals constructed on top of Byzantine brilliance, wars upon wars, and the overwhelming sense of being locked within an eternal return.

Earth Stewardship

14 Aug, 2023

“Brutal heat waves have baked the world this summer and they haven’t been contained to land. Earth’s oceans are the hottest they have been in modern history, by an unusually wide margin.” NY Times-August 3rd, 2023

The Fire Element: Finding Joy and Harmony

26 May, 2023

Just a year ago we were on mandatory evacuation from our home and Acutonics headquarters. Our valley was under threat from the massive Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon Fires. We have never so totally embodied the Fire Element, but were among the fortunate as the raging fire never jumped the ridge into our valley.

Resilience, Perseverance, Creativity, Imagination

27 Feb, 2023

Change, Transformation, Evolution, Visioning. In spring the Wood Element provides a burst of energy to examine our lives and dreams for the future. As Spring winds blow and flowers bloom, we have newfound creative inspiration to imagine, act and manifest. Hope abounds!

Lunar New Year 2023, a Year of Hope

18 Jan, 2023

On January 22, 2023, the Lunar New Year of the Water Rabbit begins. This is a sign of peace, prosperity, fluidity, agility, abundance, longevity, and hope. Rabbit also associated with the arts and creativity provides the perfect opportunity to engage in new acts of creation. Additionally, Rabbit has a strong association with personal self-care serving as a potent reminder of the critical importance of personal nurturance to enhance our well-being.

Winter Solstice 2022: The Turning

19 Dec, 2022

May each spark of match, each candle’s flickering flame, serve to remind us of the creativity, possibility and mystery contained within the dark — the dark from which all light, and all life, is born. -Rabbi Adina Allen

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