Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Astrological Insights

Incoming Summer Solstice: Astrological Insights for 2024

Incoming Summer Solstice: Astrological Insights for 2024

11 Jun, 2024
As the sun reaches its highest point in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere, we find ourselves basking in the longest day of the year: the Summer Solstice. This moment marks a time of light, warmth, and celebration as we welcome the official start of summer. Beyond the physical changes in our environment, this time of year is a powerful astrological event, offering insights into the energies that will help shape the coming months.
New Year of 2024: Astrology Themes for the Winter to Spring Transition

New Year of 2024: Astrology Themes for the Winter to Spring Transition

17 Feb, 2024
The significance of Aquarian themes are STRONG, so fasten your Cosmic seatbelts! As we transition from Winter to Spring and throughout 2024, with our Year of the Dragon and our seasonal Wood Dragon, may we harness the strength, power, and transformational energies the dragon represents.
White Tiger Winds in the Season of Fall Astrology

White Tiger Winds in the Season of Fall Astrology

27 Oct, 2023
As we enter the astrological time of November and reflect upon the traditional time of Scorpio (October 22nd – November 21st), ruled by the planet Pluto, (ancient time Mars), we are influenced by the Element of Metal, the season of Fall, and the time of Harvest with the organs of the LI and LU, and the planet Venus in 5 Element Theory. Metal themes includes letting go through the LI and allowing ourselves to be inspired through the LU. What ways can we allow ourselves to cultivate inspiration despite what is happening on a collective level?
Genius Loci and the Re-Wilding of Hearts

Genius Loci and the Re-Wilding of Hearts

27 Oct, 2023
The past ten years I have worked in the environmental field as a professional designer and as a Landscape Architect. Now, as I am starting the journey of operational and creative leadership advisement for Acutonics® along with my partner Pedro Vidal, I find myself growing, and expanding my own environmental ethos once again – this time weaving with the infinite applications of sound expressed by the sound community. I am very excited for what the future will bring.
Late Summer: Astrological Alignments and Healing Themes

Late Summer: Astrological Alignments and Healing Themes

10 Aug, 2023
With August here and late Summer upon us, it seems we are experiencing an astrological cacophony of alignments with 2 Full Moons and 7 planets retrograde this month. This is an exquisite opportune time to go inward to review, rethink, revise and rewrite our mental and emotional scripting, and those patterns that may prevent us from being the highest vibrational beings we are meant to be.
Pluto’s New Spacesuite: Aquarius

Pluto’s New Spacesuite: Aquarius

27 Feb, 2023
A Short Acutonics Play
Eclipse Reflections

Eclipse Reflections

16 Dec, 2022
In this final contribution for 2022 from Vanessa Strauss she explores the significance of the eclipse season, just past. What might we learn from these growth opportunities and how can we take those teachings into the year ahead. It was striking to me and Donna that she cites both the Conference of the Birds, and the important messages brought to us by Black Elk.
Acutonics Winter Astrology

Acutonics Winter Astrology

15 Nov, 2022
This November we celebrate the end of Fall with grace, gratitude, and remembrance of Thanksgiving, transitioning from the Element of Metal to Water, where we remain through the winter months of December, January and February.
One Million Retrogrades

One Million Retrogrades

21 Sep, 2022
What's in a Retrograde? And what value might 6 concurrent retrogrades bring to our energetic season? Introduction by Ellen Franklin
Astronomical Concepts of Autumn & Our Heavenly Connection: Combine the Alchemy of Acutonics Archetype and Intervals, Astrology, Acupoints, and TCM Elemental Theory

Astronomical Concepts of Autumn & Our Heavenly Connection: Combine the Alchemy of Acutonics Archetype and Intervals, Astrology, Acupoints, and TCM Elemental Theory

19 Sep, 2022
In Five Element Theory, Fall represents the Element of Metal, associated with the organs of LU and LI which involve the process of respiration, inspiration, purification, and elimination.

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