Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Astrological Insights

Jupiter: King of the Planets

Jupiter: King of the Planets

1 Dec, 2016
On November 23, 2016 we entered into Sagittarius the ninth sign of the zodiac, which is ruled by Jupiter. The element associated with this sign is Fire, and those born under this sign seek knowledge and truth. The planet Jupiter takes its name from the Roman Jupiter or Jove the chief god of the Roman Pantheon. To the Greeks he was known as Zeus. There are many names associated with this planetary deity including thunderer, wielder of lightning and supreme commander.
November 2016 Astrology Forecast

November 2016 Astrology Forecast

1 Nov, 2016
In November we enter the astrological time of Scorpio (October 22 – November 21), ruled by the planet Pluto, (in ancient time Mars). During this time there are many other influences drawn from Five Element theory including the Element of Metal, the season of Fall, the time of harvest, the organs of the Large Intestine (LI) and Lung (LU), and the planet Venus.
New Moon in Libra: September 30, 2016

New Moon in Libra: September 30, 2016

29 Sep, 2016
The time of the new moon each month is a period when the time/space window and ethers thin to maximize our wishes and intentions. The time of the new moon and the sign of the zodiac in which it appears provides energy of a sun and moon alignment (conjunction) to sow the seeds for our heart desires, new projects, and/or health objectives.

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