Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Gem Tuning Forks

What are Acutonics® Gem Tuning Forks? 

Acutonics® Gem Tuning Forks are specialized tuning forks that utilize gemstone vibrational energy to enhance the vibrational signature. Gemstones naturally possess a unique vibrational quality and archetype, and Acutonics has curated them into a unique tuning fork series.

How Do They Work?

Since ancient times gems have been used for adornment, protection, to cure ailments, and to achieve higher states of consciousness. 

Gemstones are simply rocks with crystalline structures that very effectively store and imprint unique vibrational energies. Formed in the Earth itself they contain a vibratory structure that is unique to each gem and is reflective of the type of stone, the structure of the stone, and where it comes from.

Targeted sound waves naturally amplify the standing vibration of a gemstone – and create a powerful resonance emitted by the stone. Acutonics tuning forks work as the targeted sound wave resonator in this instance, and the gem tip vibration at the end of the fork is amplified – releasing unique, therapeutic, high-energy wave types. 

Progressive Design 

Acutonics Gem Tuning Forks have a removable cap at the bottom of the fork stem that unscrews, so a wide variety of gem tips can be swapped out and used on a single bored-out fork (Ohm or Sedna). 

Each gem tip accessory is made of sterling silver and inset with a high-quality gemstone. 

Ethically-Sourced and Women-Sourced Gems

Acutonics Gem Tuning Forks are ethically sourced, hand-crafted to the highest standard, and one-of-a-kind. Acutonics sources gem tips through a collaboration with Blackstar Jewelry - a woman-led jewelry and garment company led by industry visionary and designer Barbara Lopez. 

Blackstar Jewelry supports free-trade and works with many artisan families and women’s cooperatives from the Himalayan mountains of Nepal. Each stone is individually selected and checked for color and clarity.

 Gem Tuning Fork Types

Acutonics Gem Tuning Forks are available in the Ohm and Sedna archetypes, and are paired with any of the gem tip types below (see product pages for pairing recommendations). Each gem tip has a specific Harmonic Keynote and Elemental application. When you combine the frequency of the Ohm and Sedna tuning forks with the vibratory energy of the gem stones both are amplified, as you direct this beautiful sound and light on or over the body. 

Blue Topaz
Harmonic Keynote: Communication
Elemental Association: Ether

Purple Amethyst
Harmonic Keynote: Perception
Elemental Association: Light

Harmonic Keynote: Fertility
Elemental Association: Water

Yellow Citrine
Harmonic Keynote: Empowerment
Elemental Association: Fire

Red Garnet 
Harmonic Keynote: Evolution
Elemental Association: Earth

Optically Pure Quartz
Harmonic Keynote: Divine Connection
Harmonic Association: Thought

Rose Quartz
Harmonic Keynote: Compassion
Elemental Association: Air

Harmonic Keynote: Regeneration
Elemental Association: Wood

Micro-Gem Tuning Fork Types

Acutonics Gem Tuning Forks are available in the Ohm and Sedna archetypes, and are paired with any of the micro-gem tip types below. Each has a specific Harmonic Keynote and Elemental application. 

Micro-gem tips are most often used for micro-system applications including auricular therapy, hand and foot therapy, Su Jok, scalp acupuncture, and more. 

Jade (micro-tip)
Harmonic Keynote: Regeneration
Elemental Association: Wood

Yellow Onyx (micro-tip)
Harmonic Keynote: Strength
Elemental Association: Earth 

White Howlite (micro-tip)
Harmonic Keynote: Communication
Elemental Association: Metal

Lapis (micro-tip)
Harmonic Keynote: Emotion
Elemental Association: Water

Ruby (micro-tip)
Harmonic Keynote: Motivation
Elemental Association: Fire