Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Astrological Insights

Astrological Considerations for May

Astrological Considerations for May

1 May, 2017
Aloha! It is my honor to present some thoughts on the astrology of the month of May. This article is meant to be as much a conversation piece as it is insightful into the inner and outer relationships of the planets and the physio-energetic systems of our bodies. I encourage you to reach out and start a dialog beyond this article if you are interested in this study or have any insight you think I may find useful! It is our community that makes us so much more effective as healers and students. There will probably be themes that you will start to notice as your clients come in expressing similar needs through their own unique lens of experience. So I would love to hear about any of these patterns that start to come up for you and your practice during the month. For those who are not as versed in astrology, but the desire to be utilizing some of the energetics of the month exists, the following suggestions focus on an early May reading and a late May reading; with a little bit of retrograding here and there!
Celebrating Venus: Archetypes, Myths and Healing Themes

Celebrating Venus: Archetypes, Myths and Healing Themes

1 May, 2017
On April 20 we entered the sign of Taurus ruled by Venus the goddess of love. Venus the brightest planet in our sky is similar in size to the Earth. Billions of years ago Venus may well have more closely resembled Earth supporting water and oceans. However, today it is a hotbed of volcanic activity, covered with sulfuric clouds and a surface temperatures around 425 degrees centigrade.
April 2017 Astrological Forecast: Changes in Direction

April 2017 Astrological Forecast: Changes in Direction

1 Apr, 2017
April 2017 brings numerous motion changes with personal planets. Personal planets are closest to Earth and viewable with the naked eye. We feel the effects of their motion changes in our everyday lives. In general, there is more obvious manifestation with these inner personal planets when they change direction than with the outer, more transcendental planets. Venus, Saturn, Mercury, and the impersonal dwarf planet, Pluto all change direction in April.
Neptune: Last of the Giants

Neptune: Last of the Giants

1 Mar, 2017
On February 19 we entered into the sign of Pisces the last sign of the zodiac, which is ruled by the planet Neptune. The element associated with this planet is water and the sign is mutable. Neptune is often described as twin to Uranus as both planets are gas giants that are smaller than Jupiter and Saturn. Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun, the fourth largest and similar in temperature to Uranus. Named for the Roman god of the sea, Neptune has more water in its composition than most other planets and its blue color is reminiscent of the oceans of Earth. The approximate musical note for the Neptune tuning fork is G sharp which when combined with Ohm creates the Ohm/Neptune 5th, this ecstatic 5th is an opening that is likened to the visionary moving from transpersonal to transcendental.
March Astrology Forecast

March Astrology Forecast

1 Mar, 2017
Themes for the March astrological forecast include the ending of winter, entering the time of Pisces (February 19 – March 20), the bridge to the Vernal Equinox (March 20 – 21), the beginning of Springtime and the Astrological New Year with the Aires New Moon on March 27th Jupiter Squaring Pluto on March 30th. In addition to the Full Moon, New Moon and the Vernal Equinox, March is filled with a planetary symphony of conjuncts, oppositions, squares (including a T-Square), Venus retrograde, a glorious splendor of Saturn Conjunct the Galactic Center, with the grand finale of the Jupiter/Pluto Square.
Uranus: A World on its Side

Uranus: A World on its Side

1 Feb, 2017
On January 20, 2017 we entered into the zodiac sign of Aquarius ruled by the planet Uranus. The associated element is air and those born under this sign are often deep thinkers, love mental stimulation, and are original, independent, concerned about helping others and fighting for what they believe. They have a desire for freedom and equality for all people.
February Astrology Report from Byron Bay, Australia

February Astrology Report from Byron Bay, Australia

1 Feb, 2017
Powerful Eclipses! Wow what an incredible month of planetary geometry in the heavens. We have 2 potent eclipses this month (being the 1st set of 2 for the year). The Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) at the Full Moon (22° Leo) on the 11th of February and the Solar eclipse (Annular) at the New Moon later in the month, February 26th at 8° Pisces. An annular solar eclipse happens when the Moon covers the Sun's center, leaving the Sun's visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire” or annulus around the Moon. The next Annular Solar eclipse will not be until December 2019.
Saturn: The planet with Ears

Saturn: The planet with Ears

1 Jan, 2017
On December 22, 2016 we entered into the sign of Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, which is ruled by Saturn. The associated element is Earth and those born under this sign are ambitious, determined, and practical. Hard work, tradition, structure and stability are much-valued traits.
Cycles, Transitions And Intentions

Cycles, Transitions And Intentions

1 Dec, 2016
Transition from Autumn to Winter manifests movement into our deepest energy. We have released the things that don’t serve us and are moving into the time of nurturance of the Yin Fire, the spark of our destiny, our becoming. Winter is the season of Kidney nurturance. It is a time to align with our inner being and strengthen our reserves to transcend fear and realize our potential as manifestations of Source.
December Astrology Considerations with Treatment Recommendations

December Astrology Considerations with Treatment Recommendations

1 Dec, 2016
Jupiter activations are particularly strong in December when it squares Pluto in mid-December and then moves on into an exact opposition with Uranus by December 29. This is a big feature in December to consider; Jupiter – expansion; Uranus – shocking events. Also, by December 29, New Moon, Sun, Pluto are all conjunct in Capricorn squaring Uranus in Aries.

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