Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Astrological Insights

Astrological Considerations for May

1 May, 2017
Aloha! It is my honor to present some thoughts on the astrology of the month of May. This article is meant to be as much a conversation piece as it is insightful into the inner and outer relationships of the planets and the physio-energetic systems of our bodies. I encourage you to reach out and start a dialog beyond this article if you are interested in this study or have any insight you think I may find useful! It is our community that makes us so much more effective as healers and students. There will probably be themes that you will start to notice as your clients come in expressing similar needs through their own unique lens of experience. So I would love to hear about any of these patterns that start to come up for you and your practice during the month. For those who are not as versed in astrology, but the desire to be utilizing some of the energetics of the month exists, the following suggestions focus on an early May reading and a late May reading; with a little bit of retrograding here and there!
Astrological Considerations for May

By John Rosan (Tone), Level IV Acutonics Student Practitioner

Aloha! It is my honor to present some thoughts on the astrology of the month of May. This article is meant to be as much a conversation piece as it is insightful into the inner and outer relationships of the planets and the physio-energetic systems of our bodies. I encourage you to reach out and start a dialog beyond this article if you are interested in this study or have any insight you think I may find useful! It is our community that makes us so much more effective as healers and students. There will probably be themes that you will start to notice as your clients come in expressing similar needs through their own unique lens of experience. So I would love to hear about any of these patterns that start to come up for you and your practice during the month. For those who are not as versed in astrology, but the desire to be utilizing some of the energetics of the month exists, the following suggestions focus on an early May reading and a late May reading; with a little bit of retrograding here and there! ; )

For this particular reading I have chosen to reference through the lens of Sidereal Astrology. This means that when I speak of the constellation of Taurus or Sagittarius, I am actually referring to those 30 degree windows of the Zodiac. However, if we think in terms of spatial relationships, the energetics between the planets should not be that much different from that of a reading in Tropical Astrology.

Without further ado…

Slow and steady Saturn is really anchoring the system this month. Appearing to be seated in the Galactic Core between Scorpio and Sagittarius, he is focusing and structuring the flow of energy and information through his 6-sided crown. Then filtering and condensing the energy among the equatorial plane of rings held around him. Saturn draws our attention to the container of the heart. The Pericardium. At the place in the cosmos where water and flame meet, among Scorpio and Sagittarius respectively, Saturn goes back to take a deeper look at the inner knowing of the heart, at the same time as he defines the outer expression. With Chiron forming a long slow square with Saturn from Pisces, there will be a greater need for people to generally detoxify the liver and soften the heart. This is why I will highly recommend working with Chiron/Saturn as a near-unison microtone to massage and soften the heart on the Heavenly Pool P 1 and then switching to Chiron/Full Moon 5th to assist in re-opening to wisdom and compassion.

Although Saturn can be somewhat miserly with his gifts, the Uranus/Mercury conjunction at the end of Pisces is positively aspected in a solid trine to Saturn; suggesting that there may be some abundance of wisdom to be gleaned from the Palace of Heaven LU 3. Since Uranus Mercury is a 5th that should be a great pair of forks to also use on that point. However, an interesting interval that comes to mind is also the Mid Uranus to High Sedna 3rd. This is a Golden 3rd and I will discuss this term more in the next section of this article.

Saturn also has a feminine side: the Grandmother, the Crone. So it is here on our Pericardium channel that we must clear out the old and make way for the new. Much of what can be stuck here relates to injustices and loss of innocence. Once we soften and renew our relationship with our benevolent Oma, she can help us to regain our childlike nature if we remember how to play and how to hug.

Therefore we may also want to bring resonance to the Chong Mai and Yin Wei Mai Vessels to take the time to do some deep cleaning of the heart-mind; that cortex of magnetic authenticity; the place where our light comes from. Why not try Saturn/Zodiac 3rd or Ohm/Zodiac 3rd on those points? Talk about relieving eons of stuck energy right?!?

Further and deeper still, the metallic element of Saturn is that of lead. Therefore Alchemy will indeed be needed to convert Lead into Gold. How do we go from Saturn to the Sun in this case? The 3rd created by the weighted Sun Fork into Middle Saturn may be exactly what the Chong Mai and Yin Wei Mai needs to finally let go of outdated contracts and paradigms. Layer this into the treatment if it feels appropriate!

This is a powerful interval that can release many fixed essences. And having Saturn harmonically higher than the sun means the energy flows from Saturn to the Sun; From Lead into Gold; Giving the sense of transmutation that is required to relieve our hearts of any and all crosses, grudges and crutches that we still bear.

Going off the deep end here…

One of the reasons I jumped at the opportunity to discuss the astrological weather of May was so that I might share a personal obsession that I have with Phi and/or Golden Ratio (the terms are generally interchangeable). The irrational number 1.618… or 0.618… is something I have been studying and utilizing in my healing practice since I started offering workshops and healing sessions in 2008. Not only does the golden ratio occur from fixed points in space, it also occurs among the planets as their angular relationship evolves.

On May 7th the Sun will aspect Saturn in the golden ratio of time and space. This is because they will be spaced at the golden ratio with regard to the 360 degrees of an entire orbit/oscillation of the Earth Year (ohm). To be clear, if a circle is cut in 2-pieces by the irrational (yet structurally pervasive) number phi, one section will equal 222.48 degrees and the other will equal 137.52 degrees. This is proven when you multiply 0.618 x 360 = 222.48. The reciprocal of this is 137.52, which can be found by multiplying .382 x 360 = 137.52. What is also interesting about the relationship between Saturn and the Sun at this time is that Saturn is nearly at the same point in the sky that the Sun occupies near each December Solstice.

From our perspective on Earth, the Sun of the December Solstice is nearly center with the Galactic Center of the Milky Way! Furthermore, the Sun has moved from this point almost exactly 137.52 degrees since then. So forwards or backwards, the Sun is at the golden section of our year on May 7th. However, since the section in this case is counted from the December Solstice of 2016, I look at the Phi Day of May as being the inward spiral of energy (being the smaller portion of the two golden sections of a circle). We can use this smaller or inward angle of Phi to look back at some of our long-term intentions and trajectories, and to recalibrate ourselves to the path we set out to travel upon earlier in the year; or earlier in our lives for that matter.

So this is also a good time to ask deeper questions regarding whether or not we have been utilizing our time wisely? How are we progressing on our path? How can we take a closer look at our processes and systems and invite guidance from trusted sources in order to be made aware of those things that we might be overlooking? Are there pieces of our structure that we have been ignoring, avoiding or simply forgetting? Are we truly following our higher path? Are we nurturing our souls with that which we need to thrive? These are the kinds of things that call to me when I think about the Phi Ratio. And it seems plain to me that Heavenly Gathering SI 11 and the Du Mai and Yang Qiao Mai are a great point and channels to bring the inner phi spiral to from time to time to recalibrate the structure and trajectory of our physio-energetic systems.

To continue…

This ratio also occurs in certain pairs of tuning forks. One such pair is the Golden 3rd created by Mid Saturn to Mid Jupiter. With Saturn as the dominant fork in this pairing, Jupiter is inverted and creates a vacuum to clear and reduce. This would be a great pair to run on the microcosmic 4-gates of Middle Palace LU 1 and Cycle Gate LIV 14. Going deeper, you may also want to experiment on pairing Mid Jupiter and Mid Saturn on P 1 and Spirit Seal KID 23 respectively to also help nourish the kidneys with some of this alchemical process. Furthermore, the Full Moon of May 10th will be an unusual energetic moment. The Moon herself will split the difference between Jupiter and Saturn in a golden section on this day just hours before she becomes full. What makes this even more significant is that the Moon and Jupiter also form a Golden 3rd when you use Jupiter as your Balancing Fork and Full Moon as your Opening Fork! I typically enjoy doing this with Mid Jupiter and Mid Full Moon. But if you are fortunate enough to have the Saturn, Jupiter and Full Moon Gongs in your collection, well…get it on!

Adding Saturn into the mix you are now stacking thirds just like when you build chords in music. Although the combination can sound dissonant or unusual at first, Saturn - Jupiter - Moon is basically a D Augmented chord that resolves beautifully when you add a Sun tone above the Full Moon tone creating a D-Aug7 chord. My favorite way to do this is with the High Forks. Saturn - Jupiter - Full Moon - Sun 2x…this just sounds so lively and beautiful!

Moving to the finish line…

As I mentioned early in May, Saturn’s square with Chiron draws our attention to the Liver and its toxicity. Somewhat unfortunately, Venus also happens to be part of that square as she briefly conjoins Chiron. I expect this to bring many skin issues to the surface. Though this is still something to be looked at as an opportunity.

In many ways, our skin is like our very own mining canary or camping cricket. If we pay close attention to what comes up here, we may be able to get ahead of the issue before it gets ahead of us. Take a look at your clients’ points as you go through them. I have noticed so many times that my clients “signature points” have very clear signs either near or right on them! Birth marks, scars, tattoos: these are not happenstance.

So you may want to work with Pluto and Venus on the Yang Wei Mai and Yang Qiao Mai to help with these issues. I also think the Pluto/New Moon 5th can bring some deep relief here. These combinations hold the archetype of freedom from bondage, and also the strength to keep important plans secret until they are ready to be unveiled. Do you have a client that needs to move out of a bad relationship? Or perhaps you know someone who needs assistance with a sensitive project. It is of great importance that those of us with feminist leanings come together for the greater good. But perhaps this energy will assist us in creating something under the radar that can eventually remove the current authoritative system while at the same time creating an infrastructure of peace and compassion to prevent the bottom falling out during our transition.

As the month wears on, Venus moves into a lovely Trine with Saturn and Sextile with Mars, simultaneously conjoining Pallas Athena. Talk about a heady arrangement!! With everything else going on, I expect there to be some serious creative juiciness flowing.

This places Venus the ruler of all things Golden in a powerfully sensual (perhaps even manipulative/strategic) arrangement as well. For her, this is the realm of sex magic and the art of seduction. Can she defeat the intense masculine tension between Saturn and Mars with her soft inviting gaze? Can she play on the minds of those who would claim Her but instead take what She wants without submission? Absolutely!

That she finds this alignment at nearly the same moment of the New Moon is substantial as well. Because in this instance Venus finds herself at the Golden Section (in this case the Greater and therefore with the movement of the Golden 6th interval) between Saturn and Mars. In this moment, the Divine Feminine Archetype that had created a parallel universe in January, is now taking the next steps of reclaiming her power and rebuilding her infrastructure.

So bring those beautiful 5ths created by Venus with Mars and Saturn into the structural, into the manifest, by accessing the Du Mai and Dai Mai and maybe even the 4 Gates of Heaven, (Li 4 and LIV 3. If you run into stagnation or blockages, consider using Mars and Saturn together! This microtone can be very useful for breaking down barriers.

It is equally applicable to bring in the Golden 6th created by Ohm and Venus.This is their natural relationship and the ratio from which all things structural continue to build upon. So follow up the 5ths above with Ohm/Venus 6th in order to ensure beautifully proportioned growth in the Du Mai and Ren Mai. I would also suggest low-forks here as they will really bring the energy into the manifest.

On the New Moon of the 25th of May, there is another microtone that I find quite comforting that I would like to recommend. This will be a very effective time to bring in the energies of Venus and the Moon.

Bringing Low Venus together with Low Full Moon creates a deep soothing delta wave (3.09 Hz) of healing. This combination is great to sprinkle throughout the system. Great Rushing LIV 3 to Gushing Spring KID 1, Kunlun Mountains UB 60 to Celestial Pillar UB 10, one of each on both UB 10 points, Shoulder Crevice SJ 15, Shoulder Well GB 21, and using this on the Du Mai and Dai Mai as well. I also really enjoy this combo on the Yin Qiao. All 3 of these extraordinary vessels will be needing some soothing after the Full Moon and Jupiter conjunction in Virgo that occurred on May 7th as well. So this is a combination I recommend for earlier in the month too!

Remember, when using Venus and the Full Moon of the same quality (low, mid or hi) that Venus is the balancing fork and Full Moon is the opening fork. Also interesting to note is that compared to the low forks binaural beat of 3.09 Hz, the mid forks when paired have a difference of 6.18 Hz! Now where have I seen that number before? 😉 This is a very nice theta wave and is just fabulous on SI 11, LU 3 and Yin Tang and Jade Pillow to increase mental, personal and collective connectivity.

Sometimes we have to go back to the beginning to find the end…

Back on May 4th (My birthday and 2-year anniversary as an Acutonics student), Mercury went direct while conjunct with Uranus. This conjunction lasts throughout the month and Mercury leaves the shadow of retrograde on May 22nd as the New Moon transits Venus, Uranus and Mercury in that order, through the 24th. Leading up to the deeply purging New Moon on the 25th These planets create a shorter (yet still harmonious 5th) when combined and so are also great for use on the Yang Qiao and Yin Qiao and again LU 3, Yin Tang, Upper Star DU 23 and perhaps even the 3 Treasures (DU 20, REN 17, REN 4) for receiving higher guidance and supercharging our spiritual antennae to receive messages of the utmost clarity and usefulness.

In Conclusion…

I also want to encourage you to journal after self-care and also to invite your clients to spend a few quiet minutes journaling or doodling after their session. Give them a blank paper and clipboard if they are into it. This can be a very rewarding practice, as many of us can go pretty far out while receiving healing energy. Bringing back even a little of the journey into the manifest by writing it down can help remind us that the experience is authentic and creates a more lasting impression of the guidance and wisdom. With the world as crazy as it can be, having proof that good things happen can make a huge difference in our ability to handle it!

I look forward to returning for another Phi Day analysis in the August Edition of the Acutonics Newsletter and hope this has inspired you to look deeper into the harmonics of our forks. Thanks for reading and May the 4th be with you!

Tone can be reached at and he is a regular contributor to the Acutonics Here We Are closed Facebook Group.