By Mary Burke-Kelly, BA, PAI, NCGR Level I, MAFA, Senior Faculty
April 2017 brings numerous motion changes with personal planets. Personal planets are closest to Earth and viewable with the naked eye. We feel the effects of their motion changes in our everyday lives. In general, there is more obvious manifestation with these inner personal planets when they change direction than with the outer, more transcendental planets. Venus, Saturn, Mercury, and the impersonal dwarf planet, Pluto all change direction in April.
Venus Retrograde Turns Direct April 15, 2017
Since March 4, 2017 Venus has been retrograde a phenomenon that occurs every 2½ years. Venus sparkled with extra magnitude as the evening star in March when she was closer to Earth and created the backward or “retrograde motion” as she retraced her location across the sky each night. In March you may have been re-evaluating some of the relationships in your life, your self-worth, money/finances, artistic projects, or social life and perhaps experienced a lack of forward motion in these areas. In the last two weeks of this Venus retrograde (March 25- April 15), the Venus energy of retreat and withdrawal takes place. This is a time to finish your re-evaluation of relationships and commitments and to decide who or what makes you feel valued. Which groups, people or financial arrangements are best for you? During this period you may find that some ties are not worth the money, time, or self-investment it takes to keep them intact. You ask yourself, is it worth it? Some relationships or financial deals may break up during this time. If it is worth it, it may require a heart-to-heart to clear the air or change the relationship or finances. While you should abstain from large luxury purchases during Venus retrograde after April 15 you can purchase what you reviewed during the Venus Rx.
On March 25, Venus vanished from view for about 5 days, to remerge as the morning star. In her new cycle (like a new moon), you will start to focus a bit more on your own personal values and their fulfillment. March 25 to April 15, 2017 is an 8-year anniversary for Venus as she is in the same sign of the zodiac where she appeared in March 2009. This provides an opportunity to reflect on the unfolding of your life values over the past 8 years. One example in the US is how the Affordable Care Act and other values from the first year of the Obama Presidency have unfolded over the last 8 years. The American public and government is reflecting and evaluating what is of value to them in regards to health care (because Venus is close to Chiron, the wounded healer).
From April 6 – 22, transiting Venus and Saturn make a square with each other, with the intensity climax April 15-21 as Venus slows, stops, and turns direct as it makes this square to Saturn. This renders the theme of this square very potent. This motion change signals a week of stress or challenge in our relationships and what we value. We have to make heart-based decisions, whether it concerns a committed relationship, an artistic project/object or money/material objects. We come to realize the reality of the relationship or material situation and perhaps cannot rescue it. On another level, there can be stressful monetary constraints during this week.
April 15, 2017 when Venus stations (appears to stop her motion in the sky) and begins direct motion, this is a key moment between your inner and outer relationships and that which you value. The conjunction of Venus with Chiron as Venus emerges into forward motion provides an opportunity to heal relationships.
Acutonics Suggestions For Venus Retrograde (thru April 15)
Mars/Venus on the Three Treasures can help to integrate thoughts, feelings and gut instincts during the Venus retrograde. Bring the forks from DU 20 to Ren 17 and then Ren 4 to Ren 17, as the heart is the mixer. Conclude with Venus/Full Moon on Ren 17 for unconditional love.
Low Venus/Middle Nibiru on the sacral chakra can assist self-worth examination.
Ren 4 – Venus/Full Moon bring unconditional love into original Qi
Use the Yin Wei Mai Vessel (open on P 6 Inner Gate and Balance on SP 4, Grandparents, Grandchild) for intimate and close family relationship concerns.
Use the Yang Wei Mai (Open on SJ 5 Outer Gate, Balance on GB 41, Near to Tears) for tertiary relationships (co-workers, neighbors, group members, etc.)
Choose the fork combinations on the Yin Wei and Yang Wei that support the specific circumstances:
New Noon 5th to open and release any emotions with heart and relationships
Low New Moon/Low Chiron to release and heal emotions in heart or relationships
Venus/Saturn to stabilize relationships; Venus/Mars – harmonize relationships
Full Moon 6th to bring relationship to completion, fruition
Sedna/Saturn, or Ohm/Saturn to encourage healthy boundaries on relationships, particularly useful on the Yang Wei for our Wei protective Qi
New Moon/Mercury to open communication
Venus/Full Moon to promote unconditional love, helps with beauty/artistic taste
HF Venus/Mars in the fields to balance out all the Venus energy.
HF Venus/Full Moon to assist with artistic and beauty when Venus is not providing forward energy for these things
During the intense period from April 6 - April 16 use Venus/Saturn Chimes, gongs and tuning forks to address stress with positive energy. Follow with Venus/Mars to harmonize and conclude with Venus/Full Moon.
Saturn Turns Retrograde April 5
Forward progress or frustrations in achieving goals, in career or with authority figures (bosses, parents, government) can result when Saturn is retrograde. The delays in time (Saturn rules time) force us to learn internal discipline, endurance, and attention to details that would haunt us later. Time delays teach us patience. The blocks or burdens that must be overcome now are delaying us for a better timing later when synchronicity will allow for more success. Retrograde Saturn can be about internal boundaries, whether they be physical or psycho-spiritual. Sometimes just using Saturn chimes, gongs, or HF Ohm/Saturn in the fields will promote sympathetic resonance with the energy of Saturn in a homeopathic way.
Some clients who suffer from chronic illness may experience worse symptoms as the energy of Saturn goes inward and can physically contract, restrain, or condense internal tissue, vessels or organs. In these cases, offset the contractions/ limitations in movement or internal calcification with Saturn’s opposite tuning fork, Jupiter. Combine Jupiter with Saturn tuning forks to balance contraction and expansion. Use the individual case for meridian, chakra or EV selection. If there is mobility issues, you use Yang Qaio and Yin Qiao, digestion issues may involve the Dai and Chong, breathing can be Ren and Yin Wei, etc. The important point is to know what tuning forks can alleviate some reactions to the internal constrictive energy. Ohm/Jupiter will expand and ohm/Neptune can dissolve any hardness from over-consolidation of Saturn. If you have extreme hardness or contraction, then Ohm/Uranus will shatter that hardness. Remember that Saturn combined with Mars can help structure muscle and blood, but Saturn with Venus is an anti-inflammatory.
Mercury Retrograde: April 9 – May 3, 2017
The last week of the Venus retrograde overlaps with the first week of the Mercury retrograde. April 9-15, 2017 which may result in challenges to our daily lives as these two inner, personal planets direct energy inward, making events in our outer lives more complicated and frustrating. Mercury rules communication, thought (rational mind), and transportation. When Mercury is retrograde, you can expect some misunderstandings with others (and notice Venus is also retrograde so this can manifest in social life, relationships, values or money/assets) due to communication problems. Mercury is a trickster, so you may make mistakes on details such as transpose numbers, confuse appointments, etc. With its correspondence to tubes, Mercury’s energy going internal can mean some focus is required on tubes in the body such as bronchial fallopian and ureter, etc. Mercury retrograde energy is an excellent time to review, re-write things, and finish projects you procrastinated about long ago. This is a time to research contracts or details, but don’t make final decisions until the after the retrograde on May 3, 2017. Contracts or formal agreements made and signed under Mercury retrograde can be broken later or be rendered unsatisfactory. As our trickster planet comes close to Earth this is a time to gain a sense of humor with all the little tricks and delays that occur during this time, and to learn patience. During the last week of April and into May, Mercury and Uranus travel less than 2 degrees together, providing energy for progressive, innovative (Uranus) thinking/plans (Mercury) and rebellious communication, but also makes for a very nervous energy.
Acutonics For Mercury RX
HF Ohm/Saturn or Mercury/Saturn in the fields can help bring some maturity and structure to the chaos. To relax from the nervous energy associated with Mercury so close to earth and its conjunction with Uranus April 24-May 9, 2017
Zodiac/Sedna or Zodiac 3rd on Huato Jiaji Points
Low Ohm Unison on Kid 1 to draw down Yang
Ohm/Jupiter or Zodiac 3rd on the Four Gates to release frustration
Micro Cosmic Orbit – Zodiac 3rd on Dai Mai, New Moon 5th on Ren Mai
Zodiac 3rd, New Moon 5th, followed by Full Moon 6th on LIV 14/ Cycle Gate (the exit point for the liver channel).
Mercury/New Moon, Full Moon 6th on LU 1/Central Treasury to help you move out of
Clear the mind and provide organization and structure
Ohm/Mercury on DU 23
Ohm/Saturn on DU 20 provides some structure, organization for brain confusion
Du Mai EV(open, SI 3/ Back Ravine, Balance BL 62, Extending Heel) – Ohm/Mercury followed by Ohm/Saturn
Pluto Shifts To Retrograde April 20- Sept 28, 2017 (5 months)
Pluto is an outer dwarf planet that makes subtle changes over a long period of time. Pluto retrograde turns its energy inward for us to explore and understand our deep motivations, secrets, and behaviors that might jeopardize our character or reputation. Traveling backwards in Capricorn, there can be a review or inner evaluation about the destruction of structure, character, goals, career, reputation, government /corporate structures, or authoritarian regimes. The destruction leads to an eventual re-building or transformation after the destruction and usually when Pluto goes direct. Capricorn goals or outer changes do not get accomplished in the material world very easily when Pluto or other planets are in retrograde motion.
Pluto RX Acutonics![](
Low New Moon/Pluto on the Chong to gently open/disperse deep motivations/behaviors, followed by Mid Chiron/Low New Moon or Low Chiron/Nibiru to heal, and finish with Full Moon/Pluto or Full Moon 6th.
Use the Dai Mai to stop repeating patterns of behavior or reverse stuck forward movement. Low Zodiac 3rd, Low New Moon/Mid Chiron, followed by Venus/Mars for harmony.
Consider using Low New Moon/Mid Chiron on GB 13/Spirit Root to guide out and release the deep, spiritual root cause of an issue. Sometimes answers appear in the weeks following this through synchronicity.
Other April Planetary Energies
Here are some additional noteworthy shifts for April 2017:
Monday, April 3 – The moon in Cancer challenges us to clear away anything blocking our new moon desires from March 27. In the evening, the moon completes a grand cardinal cross with the Sun/Aries, Jupiter/Libra, and Pluto/Capricorn demanding us to rise to the challenge to express the higher levels of these signs. The challenge is not to be emotionally over-sensitive but to be available (Moon in Cancer), be courageous but don’t be bossy (Sun in Aries), be co-operative but don’t be a doormat (Jupiter in Libra) and be pragmatic without being too negative (Pluto in Capricorn).
Saturday, April 8 – Venus begins square to Saturn today (see above in Venus RX section)
Tuesday, April 11– Libra Full Moon (21 Libra 32) at 1:08 AM CDT forms a cardinal grand cross while conjunct Jupiter, opposing Sun conjunct Eros, squaring Pluto conjunct Juno and squaring Vesta. While the configuration may destabilize and stress our relationships, other aspects to this configuration tell us to go slowly, stay grounded and be kind. Chiron’s presence near Venus about to go direct indicates we can heal relationships if we release our need to control. Stress may relate to preparation for releasing that, which is no longer working in our lives before the next new moon on April 26, 2017 (see below).
Thursday, April 13 – Sun conjoins Uranus – lots of nervous and exciting energy, time to shine through the unusual but don’t let nerves get away from you (use some Neptune/ohm if you can’t sleep or are too nervous)
Sat, April 15 – Venus turns direct – (see above section) – move forward knowing you reside in alignment with your values after 6 weeks of internalizing them
Wed, April 19 4:26 PM CDT– Sun enters Taurus- The sun illuminates our assets, personal talents, values, throat and voice, material possessions or what we value. A fixed sign, it leans toward standing your ground and being stubborn like a Bull. The next four weeks can be a time of resistance to change or defending things. But there is determination and an ability to see things through to the end. Security needs are strong now.
Thurs, April 20 – Pluto turns retrograde (see section on Pluto Rx above) indicating the start of 5 months of deep internal searching to provide success in goals (Capricorn).
Friday, April 21 – Mars enters Gemini until June 4, Heavy Venus Square Saturn – Gemini Mars can symbolize impulsive action without thinking, aggressive communication and possible activities pertaining to neighbors, siblings, short trips, using your hands/arms & shoulders. Our activities can have so many avenues that our energies are scattered without much focus. Mars in Gemini can multi-task but there is little perseverance to complete projects. Physically, Mars in Gemini can symbolize inflammation, cuts with sharp objects or surgery on the lungs, hands, arms or shoulders. Venus climax square to Saturn can have us questioning if what we value can withstand the test of time.
Wednesday, April 26 7:16 AM New Moon in Taurus- A day to make a list of your wishes regarding money, personal assets and talents, values, possessions, and self-worth. The ethers are thin so your intent, along with the sound of the New Moon and a candle, can help these wishes materialize by the next Full Moon. With Mercury conjunct Uranus and both these planets trining Saturn, this is a day filled with innovative, creative ideas that can be manifested and put into reality. he ruler of the New Moon in Taurus, Venus, conjoins Chiron to promote healing of your relationships, values, self-worth and assets. You may need to move out of the martyr or victim role (Venus and Chiron in Pisces).
Friday, April 28 – Venus enters Aries 8:13 AM CDT, Mercury conjuncts Uranus climax- There is a confidence and motivation to start new artistic/creative projects or new relationships with Venus in Aries. Mercury conjunct Uranus adds extreme creativity and a rebellion against the norm.
Sunday, April 30 Saturn RX squares Chiron- (this first occurred on Dec 28, 2016 but now returns with Saturn retrograde). This is the 2nd opportunity to solve the challenges or stress between structure, status quo and conservative ways (Saturn) versus selflessness, mentoring and healing (Chiron). These outer planets can be reflected in the news of national or world events, but personally, this is a 2nd chance to overcome our own status prejudices and become more humane.
Mary Burke-Kelly is a Licensed Acutonics Teacher, Senior Faculty, and Certified Acutonics Practitioner located in Hurst, Texas. She is the owner/operator of Dallas/Fort Worth Acutonics, LLC. Mary was a western astrologer and astrology instructor for 25 years before her study of Acutonics. She has taught astrology at Tarrant County Community College and offers prenatal eclipse, career cycle, and relocation lectures. Mary uses the method of astrological profection with the Acutonics tuning forks as taught by Will Morris, L.Ac in Austin, Texas. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, National Council of Geocosmic Research Level I, the North Texas Astrological Society, and Professional Astrologers Incorporated.