Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Astrological Insights

Acutonics Winter Astrology

Acutonics Winter Astrology

15 Nov, 2022
This November we celebrate the end of Fall with grace, gratitude, and remembrance of Thanksgiving, transitioning from the Element of Metal to Water, where we remain through the winter months of December, January and February.
One Million Retrogrades

One Million Retrogrades

21 Sep, 2022
What's in a Retrograde? And what value might 6 concurrent retrogrades bring to our energetic season? Introduction by Ellen Franklin
Astronomical Concepts of Autumn & Our Heavenly Connection: Combine the Alchemy of Acutonics Archetype and Intervals, Astrology, Acupoints, and TCM Elemental Theory

Astronomical Concepts of Autumn & Our Heavenly Connection: Combine the Alchemy of Acutonics Archetype and Intervals, Astrology, Acupoints, and TCM Elemental Theory

19 Sep, 2022
In Five Element Theory, Fall represents the Element of Metal, associated with the organs of LU and LI which involve the process of respiration, inspiration, purification, and elimination.
Leo Season: The Heart of the Lion

Leo Season: The Heart of the Lion

3 Aug, 2022
The lion hunts only when hungry and will first prey on sick or weak animals to maintain balance in the herds and land. According to the great African tradition, the lion is considered the wise judge as they strive to maintain nature's laws.
Jupiter In Pisces - The Bargain Bin

Jupiter In Pisces - The Bargain Bin

28 Jul, 2022
It’s not as though we didn’t have enough to look forward to. We cooperated, we hit that pause button, we told ourselves “not yet” for the greater good. When your life gets put on pause, and you’re lucky enough to have the internet and free services like YouTube, the world meets you on the screen, hopefully to let you know when the astrology will let you hit the Play button. Or when it will hit itself.
Neptunian Fog

Neptunian Fog

1 Mar, 2022
During the next two months, there are heightened Neptunian themes propelled by the once in a lifetime Neptune-Jupiter conjunct in its home sign of Pisces. This article explores the important transits during this time, drawing upon an ancient Japanese Folk Tale to help you grasp the slippery nature of Pisces themes, and offers a treatment protocol as support during the coming Neptunian fog.
How to Nourish the Four Chambers of the Heart this Venus Retrograde

How to Nourish the Four Chambers of the Heart this Venus Retrograde

7 Dec, 2021
There’s a reason why you might be feeling down this Winter, I mean, other than the usual seasonal blues and the ongoing fluctuations associated with the pandemic. Venus, the planet of love, kindness, connection, and socialization, is retrograding through Capricorn, the sign of restriction, contraction, depression, suppression, hard-work, and solitude. She will spend three months in Capricorn and our heart Qi is going to need a little extra kindling to keep the flame burning bright.
Make A Decision You Can Call Your Own

Make A Decision You Can Call Your Own

2 Sep, 2021
In this article and treatment recommendations I explore ways in which both internal and external factors influence our thoughts and capacity to make informed decisions. During these challenging times, we may be heavily influenced by conservative or liberal mainstream narratives, or conspiratorial social media, as well as peer group consensus, all of which hamper our abilities to make thoughtful, well-informed decisions that are truly our own.
The Cancerian Mysteries of the Mother Archetype

The Cancerian Mysteries of the Mother Archetype

15 Jun, 2021
"The great work of our time is to bring the feminine into this culture, and it is not an easy thing to do." - Marion Woodman
Planetary Perspectives for 2021: Year of the White Metal Ox: Creating a Better World through Unity, Innovation and Determination

Planetary Perspectives for 2021: Year of the White Metal Ox: Creating a Better World through Unity, Innovation and Determination

11 Feb, 2021
“What you think you will become, what you feel you will attract, what you imagine you will create.” Buddha

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