Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Astrological Insights

Incoming Summer Solstice: Astrological Insights for 2024

11 Jun, 2024
As the sun reaches its highest point in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere, we find ourselves basking in the longest day of the year: the Summer Solstice. This moment marks a time of light, warmth, and celebration as we welcome the official start of summer. Beyond the physical changes in our environment, this time of year is a powerful astrological event, offering insights into the energies that will help shape the coming months.
Incoming Summer Solstice: Astrological Insights for 2024

Tracy Quinlan, Acutonics Faculty 

As the sun reaches its highest point in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere, we find ourselves basking in the longest day of the year: the Summer Solstice. This moment marks a time of light, warmth, and celebration as we welcome the official start of summer. Beyond the physical changes in our environment, this time of year is a powerful astrological event, offering insights into the energies that will help shape the coming months.

This year, the solstice chart presents a curious blend of planetary dynamics, highlighted by a Gibbous Moon phase in Sagittarius, a challenging aspect between the Moon and Saturn in Pisces, and a notable mutual reception between Jupiter in Gemini and Mercury in Cancer. Let's explore the astrological energetics of the coming season.

The Energetic Thrust

The Moon, our celestial guide through the rhythms of emotion and intuition, will be in its Gibbous phase in the sign of Sagittarius during the solstice. The Gibbous Moon is a time of anticipation and preparation, a moment when we are almost ready to reveal something significant. Think of it as the final touches before unveiling a masterpiece.

Sagittarius, the sign of the archer, is known for its adventurous spirit and quest for knowledge. Under this influence, we may feel a strong desire to explore new horizons, seek out new experiences, and expand our understanding of the world. It's a time to embrace curiosity and keep an open mind.

Emotional Restriction

The Moon's journey through Sagittarius is not without its challenges. It forms a challenging aspect, with Saturn in Pisces, which can bring obstacles and a sense of friction or of feeling restricted in some way. Saturn, often seen as the taskmaster of the planets, represents structure, discipline, and responsibility. When it clashes with the Moon, our emotional needs and desires may feel suppressed or delayed. Because of this, we may find ourselves feeling hemmed-in – especially in the realms of expressing our feelings, fertility, and our emotional resources.

Pisces, on the other hand, is a sign of dreams, intuition, and compassion. The square between the Moon and Saturn suggests a period where we might struggle to balance our aspirations with the limitations of reality. It’s like trying to mesh a beautiful dream with the nuts-and-bolts work of daily life. This aspect invites us to find a way to integrate our dreams with our responsibilities, ensuring that our pursuit of new experiences is grounded in reality.

Taking Action on Ideas

Another remarkable characteristic of the solstice chart is the harmonious aspect between Mars in Taurus and Mercury in Cancer. Mars – planet of action and drive – is in steady and determined Taurus. This placement encourages us to take deliberate and practical steps toward our goals.

Mercury, the messenger planet is in Cancer which is known for its emotional intelligence and nurturing qualities. When Mars and Mercury form an easy aspect, it creates an opportunity to effectively communicate and act on our ideas. It’s like having the perfect blend of motivation and tenacity, allowing us to pursue our goals with both enthusiasm and sensitivity.

Embracing Duality and Communication
One of the standout features of this solstice chart is Jupiter's position in Gemini. Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, will be in Gemini from May 25, 2024, until June 9, 2025. Gemini, an air sign ruled by Mercury, is associated with communication, information, and a love of variety.

When Jupiter enters Gemini, it brings a year-long focus on learning, sharing ideas, and exploring diverse perspectives. This period is a great time for intellectual growth, curiosity, and open-mindedness. Whether it’s through reading, writing, or engaging in stimulating conversations, Jupiter in Gemini encourages us to move beyond our current mindset by learning something new and sharing ideas with others.

Jupiter and Mercury Working Together

Adding a twist to this period is the mutual reception between Jupiter in Gemini and Mercury in Cancer. Mutual reception occurs when two planets are in each other’s signs, enhancing their ability to work together harmoniously. Jupiter, usually exalted in Cancer, and Mercury being in Gemini’s neighboring sign of Cancer, create a powerful dynamic of mutual support.

This planetary relationship suggests a period where our ideas and our growth are intricately linked. It’s like having a bridge between our intellect and our emotional wisdom – allowing us to communicate with both clarity and empathy. This aspect enhances our ability to both learn and share, and in ways that are both intellectually stimulating, and emotionally enriching

A few practical Actions:

  1. Embrace Curiosity: With the Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius, let your curiosity lead you. Explore new interests, travel if possible, and seek out knowledge that broadens your perspective.
  1. Balance Dreams and Reality: The Moon-Saturn square reminds us to balance our dreams with practical considerations. Set realistic goals and be prepared to work diligently towards them. If you find yourself feeling down, shift the negativity Saturn can induce to pragmatism- this shift will help you move forward and not be held back by fear or negativity.
  1. Communicate with Purpose: Mars-Mercury provides an opportunity for clear and direct communication. Move on your ideas and bravely share your thoughts with or others.
  1. Expand Your Mind: Jupiter in Gemini invites us to learn and grow through communication and learning. Engage in activities that stimulate your mind, whether it’s reading a book, taking a course, or having meaningful and varied conversations.
  1. Document Your Ideas and Inspirations: The mutual reception between Jupiter and Mercury highlights the potential to turn your dreams and aspirations into well-thought-out plans. Make sure to write things down so you don’t lose them. Jupiter can sometimes give us more ideas than we can handle at once. By documenting your inspirations, you can revisit and develop them when you have time.

As we step into this new season, let empathy and intuition guide you. Embrace the energy of the period, allow new experiences, and let your curiosity lead the way.

Tracy Quinlan recently completed her Acutonics Level I & II Teacher Training and is developing a new Acutonics elective, introduction to Astrology for Sound Therapists. Read more about Tracy at You can also find Tracy at, Instagram, Facebook and Threads as @consulttheskyastrology and @skynotespodcast she also has YouTube channels for each. You can email her at