Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Astrological Insights

Harmonizing with the Earth Element in September

3 Sep, 2024
To enhance the connection to the Earth element during this late summertime, consider incorporating the following Acutonics Earth frequencies, intervals, and the 8 Extraordinary Vessels into your practice:
Harmonizing with the Earth Element in September

Carmen Cicotti LMT, CAcP

As we transition into September, the energy of the Earth element comes into focus. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Earth element is associated with late summer and the organs of the Spleen and Stomach, which govern digestion and the absorption of nutrients. This is a time to ground, find balance, and nurture both body and spirit.

In Acutonics, the Earth element is harmonized through specific frequencies and tuning forks that resonate with the qualities of stability, nourishment, and connection to the physical world. As holistic practitioners, we can use these tools to help our clients cultivate a deeper sense of grounding and balance, especially during times of transition.

Integrating Acutonics Earth Frequencies and the 8 Extraordinary Vessels

To enhance the connection to the Earth element during this late summertime, consider incorporating the following Acutonics Earth frequencies, intervals, and the 8 Extraordinary Vessels into your practice:

Ohm/Earth Day 5th: Apply this interval to Spleen 3 (Supreme White) to enhance the Spleen's ability to generate and distribute Qi, and on points such as Stomach 36 (Leg Three Mile) and Spleen 6 (Three Leg Li), which are key points for nourishing the Earth element, supporting digestion, and enhancing overall vitality. 

Ohm Octave: This interval is profoundly calming and centering, making it ideal for clients. Tuning Points; DU 23 (Upper Star) ST 25 (Middle Star/Celestial Pivot), SP 8 (Lower Star/Earths Crux) and also Bladder 20 (Spleen Shu), the back-Shu point of the Spleen, to reinforce the Earth element and support digestion and emotional stability.

Ohm/Zodiac 3rd: Use this interval on points such as Liver 3 (Great Surge) to clear Liver Qi stagnation and promote smooth energy flow, and Gallbladder 34 (Yang Mound Spring) to further disperse stagnation and enhance the movement of Qi, thereby calming the spirit and restoring balance, which in turn supports the Earth element by allowing the Spleen and Stomach to function more efficiently.

Hygeia Octaves: Just as the Earth element is about nurturing and sustaining, Hygeia’s energy is about maintaining health through preventive measures. This frequency can be used on any of the Earth points listed above to support routines that sustain health and well-being, such as healthy eating, exercise, and emotional balance.

Eight Extraordinary Vessels

If there are issues related to worry, overthinking, or digestive problems in the body and/or psycho-spiritually relating to intergenerational programming, focusing on these vessels can be particularly effective. Earth element frequencies on these pathways will help create a harmonizing and grounding effect, supporting the client’s overall well-being.

  • Chong Mai (Penetrating Vessel): Known as the "Sea of Blood," is intimately connected with the Spleen and Stomach, influencing digestion and reproductive health as well as conscious and/or unconscious repetition of negative patterns in the “blood root”.
  • Yin Wei Mai (Yin Linking Vessel): The “High Priestess of Yin” harmonizes all the Yin energies throughout the body, particularly influencing emotional balance and the heart. This can be particularly useful for addressing emotional imbalances or mental stress that affect the Earth element while connecting in with the authentic self and unconditional love.
  • Apply the following intervals to harmonize the Chong and Yin Wei Mai.
    • Ohm Octave to promote deeper grounding and integration of the Earth element’s qualities.
    • Ohm/Earth Day 5th to provide deep nourishment and stabilization, especially during times of emotional and physical upheaval.
    • Hygeia Octaves will help calm the mind, reducing stress and further promoting emotional stability that stabilize and balance the Earth element.

By aligning with the natural rhythms of the Earth element and incorporating the Acutonics Earth frequencies with Earth points and the 8 Extraordinary Vessels, we can foster a deeper connection to our roots and cultivate a stable foundation for the months ahead. As you work with your clients, remember that this is a time for gentle nurturing, both of ourselves and others. The Earth element teaches us the value of patience, care, and the power of grounded, intentional healing.

As we explore seasonal perspectives through the 5-Elements, it’s important to remember our Acutonics family in the Southern Hemisphere, who are transitioning from winter into spring. While we in the Northern Hemisphere embrace the shifting energies of the Earth during the Fall Equinox, they too honor the Earth element as it comes into focus, especially during the 18 days surrounding both the Solstices and Equinoxes. This period of Doyo aligned with the Earth Element, calls for centering, rooting, and balancing as we harvest the fruits of the current season and set intentions for the one to come, ensuring a smooth and harmonious transition.