Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Self-Care Affirmations

Self-Care and the Earth Element

3 Sep, 2024
As Acutonics® practitioners we have unique planetary tools to joyfully ride the waves of this transformational evolutionary journey. Many of us feel a tad bit of excitement, even in all this uncertainty.  I truly believe we all came here at this time to be part of evolutionary history and to joyfully ride the waves.
Self-Care and the Earth Element

Judy Bernard, EAMP, MAc, LAc
Acutonics® Senior Faculty

Welcome to the Earth Element and the start of the yin journey from fall into winter.  Reflecting on past contributions, I noticed every time I write treatment tips, energies are intense. Seemly, like a never-ending energetic roller coaster ride. Just when I feel the energy of the world cant intensify any more… it does.

My review of past issues made me question my belief that eventually energetically things will settle down. Im not sure that is the case. As I tap into the ethers, look at the planetary astrology and hear what others are saying, it does not look like things will settle down anytime soon. Many feel it is only increasing in intensity.

These increasing changes on planet Earth are happening quicker and quicker. Things we have never seen before becoming regular occurrences. The Earth and all her inhabitants are clearly in a place of evolutionary transformation. This transition is needed and may even be welcomed by many, yet our physical bodies are slower to adapt to all the changes. There are physical symptoms of anxiety, overwhelm, headaches, fatigue, fear, depression and pain, just to name a few. A sense of urgency is present everywhere and emotions are running high for many human beings leading to emotional outbursts. It is said we have never been at this historic point before in human existence, so we dont know what the next steps are, thus creating fear in our entire being. The more we look at the outer world and place our focus there, the more things can feel unstable. When I look at the energy of this season, the overall guidance is to strengthen our inner Earth, which is our physical body. This will also help stabilize our emotional and mental bodies.

The next question I asked were:

  1. Who do we need to be to ride this roller coaster of evolutionary transformation?
  2. How can we strengthen our inner Earth during this time of transition to support ourselves, loved ones, community and the Earth on all levels?
  3. Can we enjoy the ride and flow with it easily?

The messages I received are twofold: First we must take time to welcome in all the abundance around us, the Harvest! Through gratitude and awareness, we can see, feel, and embrace it; grounding, the Harvest into the Earth herself. This is the perfect time for the elemental flow of Earth will enhance and support this journey. This support will greatly benefit the planet and our whole being, especially our physical and emotional bodies. Our physical bodies are the micro representation of the Earth. 

Secondly, we must be centered and connected to our internal self and our heart more than the outside world. Don’t allow the outside world to dictate our emotions and feelings. Focus on becoming the generators of what we want more of in the world and our desire to share that vibration with others. This is who we need to be, yet how do we do this?

Tip to being this in the world: 

When out and about in the world, ask others: What are they grateful for? 

How are they experiencing abundance in their lives? What are they excited to do today?

What is the best thing that happened to them today?

These may be difficult questions, but they might help you change the focus of what you see in life. While it may not seem like you are doing much on the evolutionary stage, YOU ARE!!!  We first shift ourselves by evolving into our highest selves. Then we share that with others and invite them to shift their perspective and join us on this transformational evolutionary journey. 

As Acutonics® practitioners we have unique planetary tools to joyfully ride the waves of this transformational evolutionary journey. Many of us feel a tad bit of excitement, even in all this uncertainty.  I truly believe we all came here at this time to be part of evolutionary history and to joyfully ride the waves. Yet for many of us, who have been on this path for a while now, it may feel more like work, frustration, irritation than joy and excitement. The great news is we can increase our joyful resiliency, and we have the tools to do so! 

To create more joyful resiliency in these times and develop our energetic surfing skills, we need to ground differently. It is helpful to harness the energy of the elements and seasons, and to bring these energies into our Earthly bodies to stabilize the emotional and physical bodies in a new way of grounding that helps us to remember who we are and why we are here. 

It is time for us to harvest all the abundance from the spring and summer. This yang energy is full of action, community and vitality. Harnessing this energy enhances our physical bodies and gives us the energy to go deeper into the yin aspect of our beings. Gratitude for all that you have, and the awareness that this an astonishing time to be here on planet Earth will help us gather this energy. 

This treatment will harness the yang abundance of the Spring/Summer and reboot our Earthly bodies, during the Earth element season. The intention is to deposit yang energy back into the source points to increase vitality and replenish our yin organs, while deepening our heart connection to the soul of each meridian and organ.

Fill your quiet space with HF forks/chimes of Hygiea and Chiron: Intention is to create a pure, highest vibrational healing space for safe and easy transformation on all levels.

Fill your space with HF forks/chimes of OHM and Uranus: Intention: Grounding into the Age of Aquarius and the changes it is bringing. Open Du Mai with New Moon 5th forks. Intention: Opening the conduit to blend Source energy of the Heavens with Earth energy in our human body.

Open the Ren Mai with New Moon 5th forks. Intention: Connecting the flow from Source in the DU Mai to the creation energies of the Ren Mai to birth a new way of being within our bodies. Also opens the microcosmic orbit connecting us to our cosmic consciousness. 

Activate Ren 17 Chest Center (Dan Zhong) with Mid Ohm Unison forks. Intention: To remember our childlike nature and the wonderment/magic of our Earthly human life. 

Connect Ren 17 Chest Center (Dan Zhong) using Mid Ohm to the following Yin Source points with the following tuning forks and intentions.

A) LU 9 Great Abyss (Tai Yuan) Mid Mercury Intention:  We clearly hear the inspiring messages of our heart and original nature.

B) KID 3 Great Ravine (Tai Xi) Mid Neptune or Mid Sedna Intention: We refuel our Kidney Qi (batteries) with the wisdom and flow of our heart and original nature.

C) LIV 5 Woodworm Canal (Li Gou) Mid Jupiter Intention: We are grounded. Supported as we expand into our original heart based being. Our bodies easily expand and grow into this loving, compassionate vibration.                                                                                                       

D) P 7 Great Mound (Da Ling) Mid Mars Intention: We have strong, protective, flexible boundaries that allow us to feel safe to be our true divine selves as we live on Earth. 

E) H 7 Spirit Gate (Shen Valley) Mid Venus Intention:  We move with our flowing, creative, strong, compassionate, feminine nature of our hearts.

F) SP 3 Supreme White (Tai Bai) Solar 7th Intention: We easily and gratefully integrate all the previous vibrations into our Earthly bodies. We embrace our joyful, resilient, compassionate, energized, heart filled bodies as the beautiful home to our spirit here on planet Earth.

Ground this alignment with Low Ohm on KID 1 Gushing Spring (Yong Quan) and Mid Sedna on Ren 17 Chest Center (Dan Zhong) Intention: We are grateful for all the abundance of this Earth season. We allow it to flow through our bodies, revitalizing our whole being. Grounding us deeper into our Divine heart as we    become who we are meant to be. We easily surf the evolutionary waves of these transformational times. And SO, IT IS!

If it feels right for you, do this treatment 1-3 times on yourself. Then we can share it with others. Since this is a reboot for our whole being, doing this on ourselves first increasew our vibration and ability to hold sacred space for others when we share it with them. 

I am offering an online forum called, Riding the Waves of these Evolutionary Transformational Times. We will go into more detail about Source Points, Mu Points and Shu points. Plus, how to use the different sets of forks on these points. This 3 -hour class will be $55 (a $20 savings for 3 clinic hours) and you will receive 3 clinic hours or Acutonics® CEU’s. This class will be on Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 2-5pm MTN time. There will be a recording in case you miss it. Please register here to get more information and payment invoice:

Judy offer’s online clinics, mentorships, supported self-care alignment sessions, intuitive readings and most classes to complete your Acutonics® certification. These are all offered on your time schedule and can be started at any time, based on your needs. Please reach out to Judy at or text 253-593-4751 for more information.