Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Self-Care Affirmations

Acutonics® Self-Care Tips: Navigate The Summer Heat

11 Jun, 2024
The year 2024 has been an energy intense time for many of us. Every month a unique planetary pattern urges us to awaken, release, and increase our consciousness to create more of what we want. This summer will be no different. 
Acutonics® Self-Care Tips: Navigate The Summer Heat

Judy Bernard, EAMP, MAc, LAc, Senior Licensed Acutonics Faculty

The year 2024 has been an energy intense time for many of us. Every month a unique planetary pattern urges us to awaken, release, and increase our consciousness to create more of what we want. This summer will be no different. 

Pressure to change is ever present in the year of the Wood Dragon. The element of Wood and the power and strength of the dragon can be seen globally through aggressive, active, yang energy that pushes growth. Transforming anger into compassion, stuck rootedness into expansion, absence into abundance, and impermanence into permanence. We see this daily on the world stage, as well as personally through the triggering of past traumas. 

We know this process is messy, uncomfortable and moves backwards as much as it moves forwards, yet it is necessary for healing to create change. Baby steps are lasting steps with lots of falling down on the way to walking. 

This Summer Solstice adds a bit more fire to this entire global transformation. Fire is a fantastic catalyst for quick change. The summer heat will bring in more friction, irritation and grabs for control. I find it helpful to remember that control issues are an out of balance heart, which comes from love. You regularly see this in helicopter parents who love their children and want to protect them from all of life’s ups and downs. So, they control all of their children's activities and decisions. The parents' driving force is not malicious, it is love, heart energy. This is important to remember as things heat up this summer. 

One Fire element gift is joy. To experience joy, however, many times we must first experience a lack of joy. It is through increased awareness that something is missing in our lives that we are able to focus on what we want.

As areas of the Earth increase in temperature there is turmoil. Heating things up is when great change occurs. Dissolving one structural formation into another. Think of dissolving granular sugar in water. They start as separate ingredients, then with the catalyst of the heat, they dissolve into each other and become one. Once the heat is removed, they harden into candy, a tasty new form. This alchemy process will happen this Summer. It probably won’t be pretty or comfortable in the boiling process, so we must remember that after dissolving, a new form is created. When we are aware of the process we can move through it with more ease, grace and kindness.  

Summer will be filled with this fiery force of transformation. So, keeping cool in the midst of it all will be key. The moon forks will be our close friends. The New Moon to keep us open, in the flow and ready for change. The Full Moon to put light on all the changes, increasing our feelings of safety and security. Both aspects of the moons bless us with the deep coolness of the night.  

Here are some common conditions that increase with heat, agitation and the sun of summer.

I AM Cool!
Sunburn, overheating, heat fatigue
Mid New Moon 5th on LU 9, LU 5, SP 6, UB 40 and 
Mid Full Moon 6th on creases of the elbows and back of the knees.
HF New Moon 5th and Full Moon 6th forks over sunburned areas.

Transformation is my Middle Name! 
Stress, anxiety, calm mind
Mid full Moon with Jupiter tuning forks on KID 1, LIV 3, LI 4, SP 6, P 6, Yin Tang, REN 17, REN 6

I AM Cool and Strong!
Weekend warrior, sore muscles from to play, back pain, hip pain
Mid New Moon 5th followed by Full Moon 6th on Du Mai, GB21, GB31, GB39, KID 1, LIV 3, LI 4

I AM Cool, Connected and Grounded in All Transformational Chaos!
Fatigue, sore feet, fuzzy head, headaches, knee pain, back pain
Mid Full Moon 6th on KID 1, LIV 3, LI 4, Du Mai, UB 60, KID 3, SP 6, walk tuning forks from the heel to the toes on the bottom and top of foot.

I Love my Community and Family! 
Frustration, not being heard, crazy family dynamics, anger, seeing red
Mid new moon 5th followed by Full moon 6th on KID 1, LIV 3, LI 4, ST 9, Chong Mai, Yin Wei, REN 17, PC 6, TB 5

Keep cool and find your center with self-care, community and clinic hours, all done online. Now offering this 5-week clinic for personal self-care available in July, August, September. Create a personalized self-care plan, obtain feedbac, and Acutonics clinic hours, if needed.  These clinics are intimate, small groups a maximum of four students, minimum of two. For more information email Judy at or call/text 253-593-4751 to get started.