Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Self-Care Affirmations

Healing Our Hearts

11 Jun, 2024
We are living in a time where many of us are experiencing heart sickness and heartbreak from the chaos of wars, lost loved ones, social and political divisiveness, and lack of connection to the Earth itself. The light of the shen spirit strains to shine.
Healing Our Hearts

Jude Ponton, DC, LAc, MAc,
Senior Licensed Acutonics® Practitioner and Teacher

Another turn of the wheel and we are again approaching summer, the season of the fire element, the season of the heart. The Heart is the “unifier” and is said to define our humanity. It is the home of our spirit. It is our hearts that yearn for unity especially in times of discord.

The analytical mind divides. It perceives from the perspective of good or bad, beneficial or detrimental.

The Heart recognizes the unity of everything: that there is purpose in everything and that all experiences are vehicles for transformation. The Heart is said to be the “voice of sacredness” that helps us to connect with our true humanity.

It is said that the heart spirit, the shen, is a spark of the fire of heaven that is bestowed on us by the stars when we are born. In the Chinese, Vedic and Hebrew traditions it is known that this spirit resides in the center of the heart.  The shen guides the heavenly spark into expression of our purist potential. It is the seat of inspiration, insight, awareness and compassion.

We are living in a time where many of us are experiencing heart sickness and heartbreak from the chaos of wars, lost loved ones, social and political divisiveness, and lack of connection to the Earth itself. The light of the shen spirit strains to shine. 

The shen is a divine gift of love and enlightenment flowing to us at birth from the Big Dipper and connects us with the star teachers and our cosmic identity.  It is our shen that provides guidance as we travel the path that is our unique expression of the Tao.  The sages counseled cultivation of calmness of the spirit.  This state or calmness, or consciousness, allows us to live in harmony with our earthly experience even in the face of adversity and chaos. 

The Ancients considered Summer Solstice to be a time when magic was strong in the Field and more easily accessed. Our Acutonics frequencies allow us to open portals to the magic that can aid in healing and re-tuning our hearts to joy, optimism and love and to access to the infinite possibilities that are available through the field of our Heart.

Here are some suggestions for healing our hearts:

Extraordinary Vessels

  • Yin Wei to open our Hearts and expand our Heart field
    • New Moon 5th, Venus/Neptune, Venus/Hygiea (or Jupiter/Venus)
  • Ren to nourish our Hearts
    • Full Moon 6th, Full Moon/Venus, Neptune/Hygiea, 
  • Yin Qiao for self-love and self-healing
    • Venus/Neptune, Venus/Hygiea, Chiron/Hygiea

Heart Chakra

  • Venus/Jupiter, High frequency Sun/Jupiter in the Field

UB 15

  • Venus/Hygiea, Venus/Neptune or Venus/FM

3 Treasures

  • Mars/Venus or Hygiea/Venus

Buddah’s Triangle

  • (HT 7,P 6, LU 9) Venus/Neptune or Ohm Unison 

Jude Ponton, DC, LAc, MAc is in clinical practice in the Seattle area offering in person and remote sessions. She teaches the full Acutonics curriculum, several electives, and one-on-one tutorials in person and on Zoom. She can be reached at 206-706-2836, resonate@whispering-dragon.com