Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Self-Care Affirmations

November 2018 – Self-Care Affirmations

November 2018 – Self-Care Affirmations

1 Nov, 2018
November is harvest time, a time for sharing the bounty of the season with friends and family. As the fall leaves continue to let go and the days grow shorter the desire to go within is getting stronger. So, take a few minutes for yourself and follow the urge by using these self-care tips.
A Self-Care Harvest

A Self-Care Harvest

1 Oct, 2018
The fire energy of summer is settling down and the Metal energy of fall is here. The leaves are changing colors and letting go, returning to Earth. It is a time for gratitude for the abundance and great harvest we have in our lives. This is a great time to look at what burdens we have been carrying. Are they necessary? Is it time to be like a leaf and let them go of our old habits to create new ones. Here are some self-care tips to assist you in making these transitions. Happy Fall!
Self-Care for September Embracing the Earth and Metal Elements

Self-Care for September Embracing the Earth and Metal Elements

1 Sep, 2018
We are in Late Summer the Earth Element and moving into Fall the Metal Element. To me, September has always felt like a great time for new beginnings. We have the harvest from late summer, the letting go energies of the Large Intestine and the inspiration of the Lungs. It is time to let go of what no longer serves us and get inspired to create something different in our lives and on Earth. Our bodies are the microcosm of the Earth and how we treat ourselves is how we treat the Earth.
Calm and Centered Self-Care Tips

Calm and Centered Self-Care Tips

1 Aug, 2018
August comes in ruled by the Sun. Many places are hotter than ever before and as this fiery energy builds, feelings of confusion, anxiety and restlessness may be popping up for many people. The end of July brought us the longest eclipse in the 21st century, lasting 1 hour and 43 minutes over Africa, parts of Asia and the Middle East.
July Self-Care Tips for Summer

July Self-Care Tips for Summer

1 Jul, 2018
Welcome to Summer! The season of fire. Fire is our Spirit. Contained within our Spirit is joy, love, passion, compassion, happiness, and relationships.
Self Care Affirmations and Treatment Tips for June 2018

Self Care Affirmations and Treatment Tips for June 2018

1 Jun, 2018
These short yet powerful self-care treatments are designed to create health, well-being and positivity. They can be done on yourself or added into a session with a client. When using the affirmation, see, feel and know it is all possible. It is already here in existence, you are just adjusting your vibration to match that of the affirmation, so it becomes matter in your experience here on Earth. Give yourself time to rest after the sessions and drink plenty of water.
Self-Care Affirmations and Treatment Tips for May 2018

Self-Care Affirmations and Treatment Tips for May 2018

29 Apr, 2018
These sessions can be done in the comfort of your own home for personal care or consider adding them to a session with your clients. These are short, yet powerful, designed to create health, well-being and positivity.
Spring Self-Care Affirmations

Spring Self-Care Affirmations

1 Apr, 2018
Welcome to Spring. These self-care tips for April are designed to work with the common ailments that occur in springtime. They start with a powerful I AM affirmation to claim what we want.
Self-Care Affirmations and Treatment Tips for March 2018

Self-Care Affirmations and Treatment Tips for March 2018

1 Mar, 2018
There is so much going on in the world, I sometimes forget just how powerful I am. How powerful You are! We have these amazing Acutonics tools that can shift, enhance and balance our personal vibration. Our personal vibration then goes out into the world and touches everyone we come into contact with. I believe that, “If I don’t like what I see in the world, then it’s time to change me.”
Weekly Self Care for February 2018

Weekly Self Care for February 2018

1 Feb, 2018
Tis the season for the Flu: Time for an Immune boost! Start with Ohm Unison on KID 1, breath in and feel the vibration and your breath meet. Repeat 3 times, allow the vibration to completely run out. Follow with Full Moon 6th on LU 9 and LU 1.

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