Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine


Igniting the Season: Embracing Summer’s Fiery Essence with Acutonics

11 Jun, 2024
Igniting the Season: Embracing Summer’s Fiery Essence with Acutonics

Carmen Cicotti LMT, CAcP

As the sun reaches its zenith and the world around us bursts into vibrant hues, we find ourselves immersed in the radiant energy of Summer. This season, ruled by the element of fire, ignites our passions, fuels our creativity, and invites us to embrace the fullness of life. In the practice of Acutonics, understanding the elemental energies of Summer allows us to harmonize with the natural rhythms of the season and cultivate balance and well-being.

The Essence of Summer Fire

In traditional Chinese medicine and other ancient healing systems, fire is associated with the Summer season and is believed to reside within the heart. It represents the peak of yang energy, characterized by warmth, light, and expansion. Just as the sun radiates its brilliance, Summer invites us to embrace our inner fire, allowing it to illuminate our path and guide us toward growth and fulfillment.

Summer Fire in Balance and Imbalance
When the fire element is in balance, we experience joy, enthusiasm, and a sense of connection with others. However, imbalances in this element can manifest as agitation, restlessness, and excessive heat in the body. Common symptoms of fire imbalance may include insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, and digestive issues.

Harmonizing with Acutonics

1. Heart Meridian Balancing 
Using tuning fork intervals such as the Ohm Unison and the Solar 7th , practitioners can stimulate acupoints along the heart meridian and over the heart chakra to promote harmony and vitality, such as Heart 7 (Shenmen/Spirit Gate) and Ren 17 (Danzhong/Immortal Child).

2. Cooling Points Activation
Certain acupuncture points, such as Heart 8 (Shaofu/ Lesser Mansion) and Pericardium 6 (Neiguan/Inner Gate), are known for their ability to clear heat and calm the spirit. Activating these points with Ohm/New Moon 5th and Ohm/Neptune 5th can help to alleviate symptoms of excessive fire energy, such as anxiety and insomnia.

3. Solar Plexus Activation
The solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen, is associated with personal power and self-expression. By using the Solar 7th or the Earth Day 5th, practitioners can activate the solar plexus chakra, fostering confidence, creativity, and a sense of purpose.

4. Balancing Excess Fire with Water
Introduce the water element by using Low or Mid Ohm/Full Moon 6th and  Ohm/Neptune 5th, on points along the kidney and bladder meridians, such as Kidney 3 (Tai Xi/Great Ravine) and Bladder 23 (Shenshu/Kidney Shu), to nourish the Yin, promote emotional balance and release excess heat.

Embracing the Fire Within

As we immerse ourselves in the radiant energy of Summer, let us remember to honor the fire within us and cultivate a sense of balance and harmony. Whether through Acutonics treatments, mindfulness practices, or simply spending time in nature, let us embrace the transformative power of fire and allow it to illuminate our path toward greater health and vitality. 

In this dance of the seasons, Summer beckons us to embrace the fullness of life and to celebrate the radiance of our own inner fire. Through the healing art of Acutonics, we can harmonize with the elemental energy of Summer, igniting our passion, creativity, and joy as we journey through this season of growth and transformation.

Celebrating Diversity, Unity, and Connection

As we celebrate the vibrant energy of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, let us also take a moment to honor the quiet strength and resilience of Winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Just as fire and water are essential elements in the cycle of life, so too are our Acutonics family members across the globe, each contributing their unique wisdom and perspective to the collective tapestry of healing.

In the spirit of unity and connection, let us hold space for one another, honoring the interplay of fire and water within ourselves and within the world around us. Whether basking in the warmth of Summer's glow or finding solace in the depths of Winter's embrace, may we continue to support and uplift one another on our shared journey toward health, healing, and wholeness.

Carmen is a Senior Faculty member of the Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine, LLC, offering the full Acutonics curriculum and electives. She is also a Thesis mentor and Clinical Supervisor and teaches Heart-Mind Shiatsu Levels I & II.

For a list of her class schedule and options for clinical hour and student support: