Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine


The Art of Spiritual Acupuncture, Sacral-Cranial Touch, Plant Spirits and the Cosmos By Debra Kaatz

18 Jan, 2023
The Art of Spiritual Acupuncture, Sacral-Cranial Touch, Plant Spirits and the Cosmos  By Debra Kaatz

Her latest book represents an accumulation of more than forty years of experience in working with the spirits of the acupuncture points, plant spirits, energetic touch, astrological energies, ley lines, energy earth temples and healing prayers. It provides the reader with a clear understanding of the ways in which energy and spiritual meditation can be used every day to bring health, happiness, balance, and joy to life. She demystifies the use of acupoints, but also acknowledge the power of healing hands, and the strength in calling on the wisdom of the ancients to help us better understand ourselves and our world.

Debra describes this new book as being written for the general public, but it also includes in-depth materials found in some of her other written works. She also writes about her work with Acutonics tuning forks and gem tips.

As a devoted and passionate lover of the Earth and all its creatures, Debra sings the seven songs of love each morning over the oceans of all beings. She hopes this book will help others truly transform themselves and the Earth so that we are able to reside in a place of peace, respect, tranquility, and vibrant vitality.

The Third edition of Characters of Wisdom, also by Debra Kaatz is in stock. Filled with a rich Five Element perspective of acupuncture points, each of the Elements cand the Eight Extraordinary Vessels. She relays in beautiful prose the ways in which the Chinese characters tell a story about healing of mind, body, and spirit. This book elaborates on the Taoist tales regarding each of the points and their healing energy. It has been described as an inspired addition to all traditions of acupuncture, and an indispensable resource. The third edition expands on the spiritual dimension of the points and their healing qualities and clearly introduces protocols from the Nei Jing and Su Wen on rebalancing the Five Elements. There is also information on the use of Acutonics Gem Tips instead of or in conjunction with needles.

Debra lives in Cornwall England in a 200-year-old house with a walled garden she renovated herself with some help. She hopes you enjoy this beautiful world we live in and all its wonderful energies.