Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Astrological Insights

Falling Back into the Light of Love through the Path of the Heart

1 Oct, 2017
In October, we are in the astrological time of Libra (September 23 – October 22), ruled by the planet Venus. During this cycle, we are influenced by the change of season from Late Summer into Fall, when the seeds of change we have planted in the Spring come to full harvest. As daylight shortens in the Northern Hemisphere we prepare for less light and it's a time to go inward. We also celebrate our luminous Harvest Moon and the planet Venus rising in the wee hours as our Morning Star of beauty and elegance.
Falling Back into the Light of Love through the Path of the Heart

By Lynn Wedekind, Senior Licensed Acutonics® Faculty from Baja California Sur, Mexico

October Astrological Themes:
Element of Metal (LU/LI)
Emotions of Righteousness and Grief
Planet Rulership of Metal is Venus
Libra ruled by Venus
White Tiger

Significant Dates:
September 27 - Jupiter opposes Uranus
October 5 - Full Moon in Aries
October 7 - Uranus semisquare Neptune
October 10 - Jupiter enters Scorpio
October 14 - Venus enters Libra
October 19 - New Moon in Libra; Sun opposes Uranus (Libra/Aries)

In October, we are in the astrological time of Libra (September 23 – October 22), ruled by the planet Venus. During this cycle, we are influenced by the change of season from Late Summer into Fall, when the seeds of change we have planted in the Spring come to full harvest. As daylight shortens in the Northern Hemisphere we prepare for less light and it's a time to go inward. We also celebrate our luminous Harvest Moon and the planet Venus rising in the wee hours as our Morning Star of beauty and elegance.

In Five Element Theory, Fall represents the element of Metal, associated with the organs of LU and LI which involve the processes of purification and elimination. On a physical level, look for Metal imbalances, sinus issues, allergies and lung sensitivities. On an emotional level this is a time to address issues where we feel the need to be right, or to be included, as well as grief that is unresolved or activated. This can be grief on a collective level as we witness unprecedented change on our planet. This is truly a time to come from the heart and not be in the illusion of separateness or fear.

There are several important astrological alignments of note for this Libra Cycle of 2017. The third powerful Jupiter in Libra/Uranus in Aries opposition occurred on September 27. Right on its tail on October 5 the Full Moon is in Aries. We will continue to feel the pull of this opposition as it stays its course through the Full Moon in Aries until October 6th. When planets are in opposition, they face one another across the chart and provide great opportunity for growth. Jupiter offers hope, faith and expansion and Uranus searches for freedom and change, provides insight into our inner revolution. This is a great time to take a leap of faith for what our hearts call for, to embrace the risk that allows for revolutionary change in some aspect of our lives or humanity. An opportunity exists to engage in social activism or to team up with like hearted souls and create necessary change. Jupiter opposed Uranus on Dec 26, 2016, March 2, and finally Sept 27, 2017 and it remains in this relationship through October 21, 2017. This is the 3rd Jupiter/Uranus opposition that will occur for some time and some say, “the 3rd time is the charm.”

Treatment strategies for this opposition include the use the Ren and Du Mai Extraordinary Vessels with Jupiter/Venus 3rd on the Ren Mai and Uranus/Mars on the Du Mai. Apply Uranus to SI 3, Back Ravine to open access to the heart and Mars to UB 62, Extending Vessel to balance. Bring both of these vessels together at Ren 4, Origins Pass with Jupiter/Uranus 2nd to activate through the essence.

During this Full Moon in Aries, rather than shielding ourselves and our hearts from the difficulties we witness with the end of a paradigm or getting pulled into collective dramas, think about this time as an opportunity to come into fullness with the compassion of Buddha for ourselves and our humanity. Mars in balance is the compassion of the Buddha. With this Full Moon opposing Mercury in Libra, miscommunications or misunderstandings is possible. Elevated aggression or accident energy may be activated for some.

A treatment strategies to bring awareness to the open heart of unconditional love is to activate the Yin Wei Mai with the Mercury/New Moon 5th, followed by Sedna/Full Moon 7th. Create a safe sanctuary for the heart by using the Cosmic Capstone (DU 20, Gate of the Ancestors; REN 17, Original Child; and P 8, Construction Palace taught in Acutonics Level II) with Mars/Full Moon 5th, followed by Chiron/Full Moon 5th or Mars/Venus 5th to help soften some of the out of balance Mars energy.

Treatment strategies for transitioning through the Fall season and for the Aries Full Moon time, include opening LIV 14, Gate of Hope and balancing with LU 1, Middle Palace. Apply the Full Moon fork to LIV 14 and Mars to LU 1. Follow with Zodiac/Sun1 5th interval to release excess liver stagnation and strengthen the lung to initiate a fresh lung cycle. Consider strengthening ST 36, Leg Three Miles and SP 6, Three Yin Intersection, during this season as well.

For dissipating pent up emotions, open the throat chakra or Ren 22 with Mercury/New Moon 5th, follow with Mercury/Venus 6th. Then open the Four Gates (LIV 3, Great Surge and LI 4, Union Valley) with Venus/Mars 5th for balancing energy and follow with Sedna/Zodiac 4th to bring balanced energies to a more expanded and unifying embodiment.

On October 7, Uranus semisquares Neptune. This Cosmic installation is approximately a 172-year cycle that heralds a deep process of change. Remember that Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury (technology, communication, and networking) and is an 84-year cycle, where Neptune is the higher octave of Venus (unconditional love, spirituality, nature and sustainability) and is a 168-year cycle.

During a past Uranus Neptune semisquare we experienced the Industrial Revolution. This sequence of five upcoming semisquares provides an opportunity to learn how to deal with instant connection through technology that may result in, what is identified as Nature Deficit Disorder. The five semisquares were/are on August 11, 2017, October 7, 2017, June 16, 2018, Dec. 15, 2018 and May 1, 2019. My hope is for these phases to provide perspective on ways to manage the overwhelm of information so that we create healthy sustainable solutions to keep in balance with our beloved Mother Earth.

Treatment strategies for dealing with too much information may lie in utilizing the Yin Qiao Mai and Yang Qiao Mai as well as the Huato Jiaji. On the Yin Qiao Mai apply Sedna/Neptune 6th, follow with Ohm Octave on the Yang Qiao Mai apply Sedna/Uranus 6th follow with Ohm Octave. Apply the Ohm Octave to the Huato Jiaji follow with the Ohm Unison to bring excess energies in balance.

On October 10, the planet Jupiter moves into Scorpio. Whenever an outer planet changes signs, we as a collective may experience the powerful influence of change.

Jupiter expands our belief systems and helps us to understand the process of transformation. Jupiter allows us to go into dark uncomfortable places and see clearly what needs to be changed or transmuted.

Treatment strategies may include 3rd chakra issues and changing patterns through the Chong Mai. Use Chiron/Jupiter 3rd, followed by Pluto/Jupiter 4th, and create a new healthy paradigm with Sedna/Jupiter 5th.

October 14 the planet Venus moves from the constellation of Virgo into Libra where she is exalted and has a more effortless ability to shine the light of love through the path of the heart. Venus the planet associated with love, beauty, and harmony is in flow with Libra, which associates with relationships, equal exchange of energy and fairness. This is an ideal time to focus on all relationships with an open heart exploring deeper levels of self-love, romantic love and divine love.

Treatment strategies may include Venus and the Asteroids at Ren 17, use the Yin Wei Mai with appropriate intervals of Venus. Work on changing patterns to allow more intimacy through the Chong Mai. Consider using Chiron/Venus 5th followed by Sedna/Venus 7th on or above P 1.

On October 19, we experience a New Moon in Libra. This is an excellent time to focus on new beginnings and to set intentions that deal with Libra themes, as the veil for Libra energy is available at this time. Some Libra themes include beauty, harmony, peace, love, relationship, fairness and equality.

Treatment strategies for New Moon in Libra. Open on LU 1, Middle Palace with the New Moon and balancing on LIV 14, Gate of Hope with Ohm or Mercury. Follow with New Moon/Venus or Ohm/Venus 6th or Low Sun/Venus 7th.

Finally, the element of Metal has long been associated with alchemy and this is a time of unity consciousness and the transformational process of becoming gold.

A treatment strategy to consider for this season of Metal is the Cosmic Capstone with Mercury/Nibiru 3rd for integrating the alchemical and transformational process of becoming gold and owning our God/Goddess selves. Follow with Sedna/Nibiru 3rd and Sedna/Venus 6th, for integrating and opening to unity consciousness.

As I conclude this article on the eve of The Uranus/Jupiter opposition, I received the good news today that our community was successful in stopping the building of a cell tower in our neighborhood. It has been a long journey of over a year of steady activism with a small group of concerned neighbors who came from their hearts to do what they felt was right. This ruling is right on course with the upcoming October 7, Uranus semisquaring Neptune transit that is ripe for humanity to embrace coming together with like hearted individuals to create social change.

May this Astrological cycle of Libra allow us to continue our precious walk on Planet Earth birthing the World we are choosing to co-create through faith, joy, harmony, peace, LOVE and GRATITUDE and Acutonics! Lest we not forget that every day is an opportunity to stay grounded, be in the present moment, shine our light from the inside out, to share our Numinous during these unprecedented times of change for ourselves, our humanity, and our cosmos.

There are three amazing opportunities to begin your Acutonics studies with Lynn. She is offering Acutonics Level I and II Intensives in Todos Santos, Baja California Sur Mexico November 11-19, December 1-9, 2017 and January 20-28, 2018. She will also be teaching Sedna February 21-24, 2018 and offering a clinic day on February 25. She can be contacted at or call her at 360-353-4488.