Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Astrological Insights

Planetary Insights and Intervals and the Virgo Stellium of September 2017

1 Sep, 2017
As summer wanes in the northern hemisphere, we move gradually towards Fall to first pass through what is referred to in the Five Element Theory as the season of Late Summer or Indian Summer. During this time, the Sun moves into the zodiacal constellation of Virgo, the Virgin Maiden, often seen with a sprig or bushel of wheat symbolizing the Goddess of the Harvest. Qualities of Virgo both reflect the ancient ruler, Mercury with thought and intellectual discrimination and the more recent ruler Chiron who brings hands on learning, apprenticeship, service to others and the pursuit of health. Sometimes Ceres (Demeter) is also associated with Virgo as she is the Goddess of the Harvest.
Planetary Insights and Intervals and the Virgo Stellium of September 2017

By Carmen Cicotti, Senior Licensed Acutonics Teacher, Certified Acutonics® Practitioner 

As summer wanes in the northern hemisphere, we move gradually towards Fall to first pass through what is referred to in the Five Element Theory as the season of Late Summer or Indian Summer. During this time, the Sun moves into the zodiacal constellation of Virgo, the Virgin Maiden, often seen with a sprig or bushel of wheat symbolizing the Goddess of the Harvest. Qualities of Virgo both reflect the ancient ruler, Mercury with thought and intellectual discrimination and the more recent ruler Chiron who brings hands on learning, apprenticeship, service to others and the pursuit of health. Sometimes Ceres (Demeter) is also associated with Virgo as she is the Goddess of the Harvest.

Late Summer Energetics: From a Five Element perspective, we are moving from the Fire Element of Summer into Late Summer represented by the Earth Element which is the element that mediates the transition between seasons. This is the time of year where we return to the center and go over the plans that were made in Spring (Wood Element), carried out in Summer (Fire Element) and come to a pause, before we enter the decent time of Fall (Metal Element). While we take this pause, we get to enjoy the harvest of all the seeds and ideas that were planted and grew in the previous seasons and take in the sweetness of life which nourishes the Spleen Qi. This late summer season governs the Spleen and Stomach meridians, rules our digestive system and vitality, as it transforms food and drink into Qi, blood and fluids. When this element is in balance we are able to nourish ourselves and others in a supportive manner. This also corresponds with Chiron being the ruling ‘planet’ for Virgo. The Spleen Qi holds and contains the blood, flesh (muscles) and organs in their channels. The Earth element gives us strong muscles, vibrant energy and the ability to think and study clearly.

Earth Element Disharmonies:
Muscle Atrophy
Digestive Disharmonies
Prolapsed Organs
Blushing Easily
Craving Sweets
Over Thinking
Over Nourishing/Overprotective

Virgo Patterns in Medical Astrology:
Rules the Intestines and Stomach
Digestion Imbalances
Assimilation of Nutrients
Cleansing and Purification
Critical Thinking Mind

The Virgo Stellium: Looking toward the heavens, we will see the entire group of personal planets acting as one force to form a kind of Super-Planet, while moving through the constellation of Virgo. This is a great time to begin a workout routine, make some healthy lifestyle choices, create a more satisfying work environment, begin a new diet and assist our clients to do the same.

Sun in Virgo 8/22-9/22: Focus on the details, get organized in our lives and take care of practical concerns.
Mars in Virgo 9/5-10/22: Performance and action with perfection. Get the job done well!
Mercury in Virgo 9/9-9/30: Analyze and decide what is useful in order to carry out the Virgo qualities of service, health and hands-on learning.
New Moon in Virgo 9/18-9/22: Set new beginnings into motion with inspiration and discipline in the areas of work, health and service.
Venus in Virgo 9/19-10/13: Obtain clarity in what is desired and allow true passion to generate our work and service with others and self. Find the expression of love through practical means. Venus loves beauty and Virgo loves perfection.

Stellium Protocol: Begin with this Super-Power team by infusing planetary frequencies into the Microcosmic Orbit. Start with the Ren Mai (Conception Vessel) Open on LU 7, Broken Sequence and Balance on KID 6, Shining Sea. Use a progression of the Ohm/Mercury, microtone Ohm/New Moon 5th, and Ohm/Venus 6th. On the Du Mai (Governing Vessel) Open on SI 3, Back Ravine and Balance on UB 62, Extending Vessel. Use a progression of Low Ohm/Low Mars 2nd and the Solar 7th. (Remember to place the colored planetary fork on the opening point and the Ohm fork on the balance point).

Follow with the suggested intervals and point combinations provided below that best fit your needs, always end with Ohm Unison bilaterally on KID 1, Gushing Spring. Remember that when we work with sound less is more.

Influential Points and Intervals that support the Earth Element and Spleen Qi
The five planets in the September Virgo Stellium and Earth are represented in the following Planetary Intervals. Chiron is included because of the relationship established through its rulership of Virgo.

Ohm Unison - grounds and balances earth energies
Low Ohm Octave - deeply roots and integrates with the Earth
Earth Day 5th - builds and regenerates Qi and tonifies the Spleen
Solar 7th - builds yang Qi, Spleen Qi, dries dampness, energizes with the heavenly Qi
Full Moon 6th - builds and nourishes the water and yin energy
New Moon 5th - opens the channel, releases any swelling or edema and helps emotions flow
Mercury - works with the intestines, thoughts and communication
Venus – provides creativity, beauty and nourishment
Mars - invigorates muscles, action, performance
Chiron –works with old patterns, physical and /or psychological wounds, mentorship and service

The first five points listed here are Yuan Source points, where the body's primordial Qi pools. These particular points are also the Earth points on their respective channel, corresponding with the Earth Element season. These Earth points are used to tonify and regulate their pertaining organ.

SP 3, Supreme White the Earth point on the Earth meridian. Tonify with Earth Day 5th or Solar 7th
LU 9, Great Abyss the Earth point on the Metal meridian. Tonify with Ohm/Mercury microtone, Ohm/Mars 2nd or Solar 7th
KID 3, Great Ravine the Earth point on the Water meridian. Tonify with Ohm/Venus 6th or Full Moon 6th
LIV 3, Great Surge the Earth point on the Wood meridian. Tonify with Full Moon 6th or Earth Day 5th
HT 7, Shen Men the Earth point on the Fire meridian. Tonify with Earth Day 5th or Solar 7th
ST 36, Leg Three Li is also the Earth point on an Earth meridian. Together with SP 3, Great White, these two points can provide deeply grounding and balancing support for Earth energies that have become wobbly. Tonify with Solar 7th or Earth Day 5th
SP 6, Three Yin Intersection is a good point to resolve dampness with Solar 7th. Tonify with Solar 7th, Earth Day 5th, and Ohm/Mars 2nd.
SP 9, Yin Mound Spring is excellent to resolve dampness use the Solar 7th
Ren 6, Sea of Qi can be used to tonify and raise Qi for prolapses with Earth Day 5th, Solar 7th. Root and integrate Earth energies with Ohm Unison or Ohm Octave
UB 20, Spleen Shu is the main point for all Spleen problems. Tonify with Earth Day 5th, Solar 7th. Balance and center with Ohm Octave or Ohm Unison.
DU 20. Hundred Convergences raises Qi and prolapsed uterus. Use Ohm Octave, Ohm Unison, Solar 7th

Important Dates, Attributes and Treatment Protocols:

9/3 - Retrograde Mercury conjunct Mars in Leo - super energizing and a good time to re-think or review plans, renovations, start a rehab program, make changes
Rx: The Yang Wei Mai can be used to clear out and release past obstructions, Open on SJ 5, Outer Gate and Balance on GB 41, Near to Tears. Use a progression of the Ohm/Zodiac 3rd, Ohm/New Moon 5th.

The Ren Mai can be used to energize these new programs or plans. Open on LU 7, Broken Sequence and Balance on KID 6, Shining Sea use a progression of the Ohm/Mercury microtone, Ohm/Mars 2nd, Low Ohm/Sun 7th (Leo’s ruler).

9/5 Mercury goes direct - is out of the shadow, green light to communications, travel and commerce
Rx: Ohm/Mercury microtone followed by the Solar 7th on the Three Treasures, Ren 4, Origins Pass, Ren 17, Immortal Child and DU 20, Hundred Convergences to step forward, synthesize and integrate communications with our body, mind and spirit.

9/6 - Full Moon in Pisces - intuition and creative expression as well as closure will be brought into the light

9/6 - Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces - great time to dissolve emotional scars with empathy and compassion…this is a super fluid and dreamy time
Rx: Work with the Mountain of Balance Points to release what needs to release and to bring creative expression and intuition into fullness and light. Use a progression of Ohm/Neptune 5th (Ruler of Pisces) followed by Ohm/Full Moon 6th on KID 23, Spirit Seal, KID 24, Spirit Ruins, KID 25 (Spirit Storehouse) to release what needs to release and to bring this creative expression and intuition into fullness and light.

9/9 - Sun-Pluto trine – strengthens our purpose to accomplish long term goals with a strong sense of self assurance
Rx: The Microcosmic Orbit is an excellent choice to open and birth our potential and destiny. Begin with the Ren Mai (Conception Vessel) open with LU 7, Broken Sequence and Balance with KID 6, Shining Sea. Use a progression of Ohm/Pluto Microtone, Low Ohm/Sun 7th, Ohm/Nibiru Minor 3rd follow with the same progression on the Du Mai, Governing Vessel) open on SI 3, Back Ravine and balance point is UB 62, Extending Vessel.

9/12 - Venus-Saturn trine - balances and infuses structure and beauty, work and play, long term commitment to Love and brings the element of passion into our work environment.
Rx: To nourish the heart work with the Yin Wei Mai (Yin Linking Vessel) open on P 6, Inner Gate and Balance on SP 4, Grandparents Grandchild. Apply the Low, Mid, High Frequency Ohm/Venus 6th on Yin Wei Mai. Follow with the Du Mai (Governing Vessel) open on SI 3, Back Ravine and balance on UB 62, Extending Vessel. This is an excellent choice to fortify structure in the Sea of Yang. Apply Ohm/Saturn to strengthen and Venus/Saturn to temper structure with love and compassion.

9/17 - Venus-Uranus trine - change, freedom and excitement create fuel to make new friends, recharge an old relationship, or explore new possibilities in relationships and birth them with the Microcosmic Orbit.
Rx: To creatively explore new possibilities for change and work with the Ren Mai (Conception Vessel) open on LU 7, Broken Sequence and Balance on KID 6, Shining Sea with the Low, Mid, High Frequency Ohm/Venus 6th. Follow with the Du Mai (Governing Vessel) SI3, Back Ravine and UB, 62, Extending Vessel with a progression of Low, Mid, High Frequency Ohm/Uranus 5th.

9/28 - Pluto - Mars trine - this intense combo provides strong will and determination. When you listen to these two forks together and you will hear what these words are trying to convey.
Rx: To infuse, energize and strengthen will with depth and determination that extends that extra mile apply the Low Ohm/Pluto microtone followed by Low Ohm/Mars 2nd on ST 36, Three Leg Li and SP 6, Three Yin Intersection

9/28 - Uranus-Jupiter opposition - large scale efforts suddenly change, uncovering the truth, popping the bubble, creating a revolution in relationships and partnerships
Rx: To infuse new insight and revelation with the reservoir of spirit apply Ohm/Uranus 5th followed by Ohm/Jupiter 4th on the Mountain of Balance points, KID 23, Spirit Seal, KID 24, Spirit Ruins, KID 25, Spirit Storehouse to uncover and release what needs to change. This dynamic duo would also work well on the Yang Wei Mai to let what’s dead die and bring in the new. On the Ren Mai, use Ohm/Uranus 5th followed by Ohm/Jupiter 4th and then use the same progression on the Yang Wei Mai open on SJ 5, Outer Gate and balance on GB 41, Near to Tears.

9/22 – The Fall Equinox

The Autumnal Equinox and Earth Balance: The Equinox marks the beginning of Fall, when the Sun shines directly on the equator creating nearly equal amounts of day and night all over the world. It provides a great opportunity to create balance and re-establish our connection to the Earth’s infinite love and gravitational support through her holding, grounding and nurturance. This is a time to gather ourselves home and bring ourselves back to center. When we work with Earth energy, it also helps to form a balanced connection with the heavens, allowing the nourishment that upwells from Earth to rise and branch up and out to the heavens, with humanity at the center. We do this with the Microcosmic Orbit the Ren Mai and Du Mai, which represents the interplay of yin and yang and creates magnetism and balance that allows us to claim our space, stand strong in our ground and carry out our destiny.

Equinox Rx: Creating a foundation of balance and integration for the entire system while nourishing the Earth Element.

  • Begin with KID 1, Gushing Spring, apply Ohm Unison to root and nourish the yin and ground and center the Kidney Qi
  • Apply Ohm Unison to the Huato Jiaji to create a foundational balance in the whole system.
  • Use the Ohm Octave to balance the chakras and to integrate the Earth frequency into the energetic systems of the body.
  • The Ohm Unison on SI 11, Celestial Gathering can aid in gathering scattered Qi home. 
  • The Ohm Octave on SI 11, Celestial Gathering and HT 7, Shen Men the Earth point on the Heart channel can be used to integrate and calm the Shen and clear the mind. 
  • Also incorporate the Microcosmic Orbit, begin with the Ren Mai (Conception Vessel) open on LU 7, Broken Sequence and Balance on KID 6, Shining Sea. Use a progression of the Low New Moon 5th, Low Full Moon 6th, and the Ohm Octave or Low Ohm Unison. Follow with the Du Mai (Governing Vessel) open on SI 3, Back Ravine and Balance on UB 62, Extending Vessel. Use a progression of the Low Earth Day 5th, Solar 7th and either middle or Low Ohm unison. This progression aids in the growth and building of Qi (Earth Day 5th) the building of Kidney Yang Qi (Solar 7th) and the Ohm Unison brings it all back home.
  • Apply the Low Full Moon 6th to KID 3, Great Ravine to deeply root and nourish the Kidney Yin (KID 3 is the Earth point on the Kidney channel)
  • Conclude with Ohm Unison to KID 1, Gushing Spring to reground the body and invite integration of the entire session. 

You may add one or two of the Earth points and Interval combinations from the list above or from the previous recommendation that best fits your specific situation. Tap into your own earthy creativity and have fun! 

When working with the Extraordinary Vessels remember that the colored planetary fork is always applied to the opening point and the Ohm fork is applied to the balance point.

Carmen Cicotti is a Holistic Health Practitioner, licensed massage therapist, and licensed Senior Faculty member of the Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine, she offers the full Acutonics curriculum, electives, private instruction and serves as both a thesis mentor and clinical supervisor. In clinical practice on Lopez Island, Washington, Carmen loves supporting her clients to create balance, health and well-being in body, mind and spirit through various whole health practices including; Acutonics, Five Element Theory, Shiatsu and Sound Body Massage. She has been offering Acutonics Classes and Training for over 12 years. She is a graduate of the Asian Healing Arts & Whole Foods Nutrition Program of the Heartwood Institute in Northern California where she studied with teacher/researcher, Paul Pitchford. Carmen can be reached at and her website is