Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Chiron Planet Gong - 32”

Chiron Planet Gong - 32”

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This product is a special order item and cannot be purchased online. Please call us on 520-771-8367 or contact us to inquire about this item.
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Chiron, like Hygeia, Nibiru and Sedna were all developed at the Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine and are manufactured by Paiste, the leader in hand crafted quality gongs, to our frequency specifications.

The Chiron gong resonates at the approximate musical note of D#. Chiron represents the wounded healer—a bridge between the material and spiritual.

Zodiacal Rulership: Virgo
Chiron Qualities: Initiating, revealing, promotes Earth stewardship
Chiron Therapeutics: Heals deep wounds and traumas; clears past life imprints; bridges between worlds; fosters interspecies communication and animal healing
Chiron in Ceremony: Used to work with trauma survivors, and for healing deep wounds to people, animals, plants and minerals

In many ways, the Chiron gong provides a pathway for us to become healers. It embodies our need for healing and shows us the modalities and methods that will bring about the healthiest change. Only through understanding our own wounds may we reach into another living being to participate in their transformation. The sound bath of Chiron provides us with a context for nurturing ourselves, creating a willingness to explore deep, karmic wounds that may span generations or even lifetimes. Only through acceptance can we build wisdom, and the sound bath of Chiron works to moor us deeply in an acceptance of self. In a therapeutic setting, it provides a bond between the healer and the patient, and may be used to establish trust where deep scarring and physical trauma have been long established in the body and psyche. Chiron vibrates at a level that allows for healing of old, difficult wounds, as well as recent reconfigurations of the body through significant trauma or surgical wounds.

Recommended Mallets: M5 or M6 

Please Note Regarding Out-of-Stock Gongs: If gong is out of stock, please call or email to order. You will be able to guarantee a gong with a 20% deposit.
Acutonics is a registered distributor and a long-term collaborator with Paiste. Due to the high global demand for planetary gongs, Acutonics cannot guarantee when back-ordered gongs will ship. Acutonics reserves the right to adjust gong prices at any time, including after an order is placed, but before it is shipped (if on back-order). A 20% (of the original list price) deposit will be billed at the time your order is placed, with the rest being billed at the time of shipment. Your saved payment will be charged and a notification will be sent at the time of shipping or at the time of any price adjustments. We appreciate your flexibility in this time of increasing global tariffs, material costs, and uncertainty.