Chiron Low Fork

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The Low Chiron Tuning Fork symbolizes Chiron's journey into the underworld. This fork helps us reach deeply into our body's energetic field to uncover the source of our pain and dislodge deep genetic material in the areas where physical, emotional, or spiritual wounding has settled. Its approximate note is D# and its Zodiacal Rulership is Virgo.
Deity: Chiron
Ohm/Chiron Interval: Creates a major 2nd (whole - the bridge between 2nd and 3rd)
Intervallic Personality: The Ohm/Chiron Major 2nd Internal embodies the archetype of the wounded healer. It is the catalyzing bridge, which crosses the divide and allows a ccess to deep wounds and scars of a physical, emotional, or psycho-spiritual nature in order to transform and repair.
Themes & Keywords: Wounding, the urge to heal and teach, accepting spirituality, initiation, intersection points, mentorship, the gift of the wound, reintegration, service to others, vibrational medicine, divination, urge toward wholeness, the women healer, the healed healer, gratitude, paradigm shifts, repairing and mending, detoxification, analyzing and solving, Earth stewardship
Anatomical Correspondences: Wounds and scars of a physical, emotional or psycho-spiritual nature; left and right hemispheres of the brain