Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Lee Ann Sommerfeld, CESMT, MMCP, Associate® Acutonics Practitioner

Lee Ann Sommerfeld, CESMT, MMCP, Associate® Acutonics Practitioner
Pittsburgh, PA

My sound healing journey began in my equine bodywork practice. I was looking for a way to better influence the nervous system of the horse. My current methods were effective but the horses were asking me to go deeper by going lighter. I began doing a lot of research into frequency, vagal tone and the etheric field. Through this I discovered tuning forks and delved deeper. Discovering Acutonics was truly a Eureka moment.  I knew instantly this was the path forward. Not only could I help the horses,  I could also help the humans.

Horses often have "people problems". They have a huge biofield and are incredibly sensitive to vibration.        

The humans they encounter on a daily basis usually display what I equate to a radio dial emitting static rather than a clear signal. This "static" initiates a stress response in the horse.  We are all too familiar with the effects of long-term stressors.  Dysregulated nervous systems are a byproduct of imbalances from both outside and inside the body. If left unaddressed, it leads to dis-ease. This applies to animals and humans.

My purpose is to continue to learn and to be of benefit to both horses and humans. Acutonics is an integral part of my process. It has opened up many portals into the cosmic tapestry and allowed me to grow as a healer and better serve my clients.