Gail Byrnes, LAc, MAc, MBA

Gail Byrnes, Lic Ac, MAc, MBA, is a 1998 graduate of the New England School of Acupuncture and is a licensed acupuncturist, an Acutonics teacher and practitioner, a shamanic practitioner, and a Plant Spirit Healing practitioner. Byrnes has been in the healing arts for more than 20 years and is also a facilitator of women’s spirituality programs. Her sessions address physical, emotional and spiritual concerns and enhance health on all levels. She has a healing practice in Danvers, MA.
Byrnes is also an avid photographer and enjoys photographing nature. Her goal is to portray the essence of the natural world, the spirit that is manifest in all that is around us, and to touch the soul, the heart, and the imagination of those who see her work. Her photography may be seen in her new book, Natural Reflections, a Year in the Woods, with poetry by Susan Gabriel and images by Gail Byrnes.