Adona Bobbie Bay, BS, LMT, CCP, LAP, Senior Faculty

Adona offers healing modalities that open the door to self-discovery, personal empowerment and lead to fulfilling your full potential. As a visionary and energy specialist she loves to share her knowledge and empower both her students and her clients to transcend life’s challenges and live an extraordinary life.
She sees life as a balance between spirit and matter. Within this dance of life change is constant, our challenge is to expand ourselves as we move forward.
She is the director and visionary of Galactic Alchemy™, transforming body, mind, and spirit; the Stressless Acupressure™ Institute; and co creator of Spirit Path. Her experience covers 25 years in holistic healing as well as developing her own method of spiritual and body mind coaching.
She specializes in advanced forms of massage, Acutonics Sound Healing®, Jin Sho Do®, Bodymind Acupressure®, and Esogetic Colorpuncture™, Jikiden Reiki, ancient and quantum energetic healing techniques, spiritual counseling, and bodymind counseling.
As a senior Faculty Member of the Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine and the International Institute of Harmonic Medicine she offers classes in the complete certification program, thesis mentorship, and private sessions throughout the United States in Acutonics® Sound Healing Therapy.
Adona is a certified teacher, healer, and ritual master empowered by the Modern Mystery School. She has studied ancient wisdom and healing techniques that have been handed down from a lineage that is more than 3000 years old and follows in the steps of King Solomon. She lovingly shares her mystical knowledge as a way to empower and awaken what lies within you.
She is an advanced Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure® authorized instructor and certified practitioner. This method helps relieve stress and trauma related problems as well as to access feelings of inner wisdom. Both private sessions and classes are offered.
As an internationally certified Esogenic Colorpuncturist™ she uses a hand held acu-light tool, which has been especially designed with interchangeable light rods that emit different colors with a focused tip. Each color communicates different energetic information and is applied directly to the skin. This is, then, absorbed into the body stimulating intracellular communication, which supports healing.
As a flower/vibrational essence producer and practitioner of Spirit Path Vibrational Essences™ she has the ability to select appropriate essences to support you between treatments. These essences include her personal line and many others.
Her training as a Usui Reiki master and training in Jidiken Reiki allow her to offer these styles of treatment as well.
Adona is an internationally certified EnSofic Ray practitioner. The EnSofic Ray is the first ray of creation. It is the original light that, in the beginning, illuminated all things. It can treat and transforms many aspects of us including the physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic.
Adona provides an atmosphere of nonjudgement, respect, and compassion and will customize each session to use the appropriate techniques for meeting your needs.
Certified to Teach:
- Acutonics® Level I: Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics
- Acutonics® Level II: Higher Harmonics and the Inner Nature of Tone
- Acutonics® Level III: Harmonic Attunement®, the applied use of Sound Vibration
- Acutonics® Level IV: Advanced Applications of Sound Vibration
- Acutonics®: Ethics in Clinical Practice
- Acutonics®: Case Studies, Clinical Documentaries
- Acutonics®: Harmonic Pathology, Advanced Clinical Applications
- Acutonics®: Thesis Development & Presentation
- Acutonics®: Sedna: Superconductor, Advanced Clinical Applications
- Acutonics®: Energetics of Points and Meridians
- Acutonics®: Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine for Acutonics Students