Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine

Acutonics CLINIC HOUR FULFILLMENT CLASS- online via zoom BAKING THE CAKE: – 16 hours- How to interview for root cause, plan, provide clinical session -

Date & Time: Tuesday, August 5, 2025 - Tuesday, August 26, 2025 | 10:06pm - 10:06pm
Location: LOCATION: Zoom live central time zone
Course: Acutonics®: Sound Healing Clinic Hours Fulfillment Options
Cost: $400 ($200 deposit by July 15, 2025 to reserve your spot)
Registration Info:
Class Reference #: 15477
Event Details:

Time: TBD by students (2 hour meetings & 8 hours homework) 

Student enrollment: Maximum of 3 students

Pre-requisite: Acutonics Level I & II minimum

Class Description:

Class #1 The Interviewing

The most important factor in an Acutonics Session is the client interview. Interview skills will determine your session plan and effectiveness of your session. In addition to the learning what to have on an intake form, you will learn how to fuse this information with an interview. Observation skills, which questions to ask and how to get the information that leads to the original fracture, your main intent for the session. This weekly 2 hour zoom class includes the viewing of a real interview as a group and how to move from the obvious to the real root of intention for a session. A short power point is provided with steps as well as on Google Classroom. You will have a private link to the video for your own reference.

You then take the class #1 tools and do an interview as homework for the before the next class.

Class #2: Analysis & Assessment

The second meeting teaches you a step by step plan on how to take the interview and intake form information, fuse it, and develop an Acutonics plan that fits your case. This two hour meeting is a combination of power point steps (also provided ) and class discussion of a real case carried over from Class 1.

Homework: You take the steps taught in class 2 and apply it at home to your interview and intake information you have gathered after Class 1.

Class #3: Developing & Delivering the Session

All students bring their homework developed plan for their case and present it to the class for discussion and development. Technical directions are covered in detail on how to effectively send a distance session (microphones, zoom settings, holograms) to expand your session options. We talk about the processing speech to give your client. And expectations for you and your client.

Homework: Make arrangements with your home volunteer to apply the developed Acutonics session either in-person or via holographic sound distance techniques before our next meeting.

 Class #4: The Session Report

This is the final class meeting in which you provide a verbal report on how your session went. It is a chance to talk about feedback from the forks/tools, your client, and how you provide feedback. Students share the session experience and client feedback from their case. The type of legal notes you should be filing for clients are covered. Final Q&A and now you have 16 clinic hours!

LOCATION:  Zoom live central time zone

DFWA Acupoints earned:  $40 off tools 




Phone: (817) 918-3939