Table Top Acuvator

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The Tabletop Acuvator is designed to activate our tuning forks and maximize vibration. This acuvator is weighted and sits firmly on the corner of your treatment table or any tabletop. Allows you to treat your tuning forks with respect.
Direction For Use:
Hold your tuning fork on the flat section just below the prongs, but above the stem. Place your thumb on the flat side (over the Acutonics logo), and place your forefinger on the other side. The stem will rest in your palm behind the third and fourth fingers. Relax your fingers and wrist, and strike the color-coded weighted end of fork at a slight angle against the Acutonics Table Top Acuvator. The ribbed edge of only one of the rounded weights needs to make contact with the Acuvator. The fork does not need to be hit hard but the more solid the hit, the longer the vibration will be sustained.
Please do not strike forks directly on your body! Striking forks on walls or furniture is also discouraged.