Acutonics® From Galaxies to Cells: Planetary Science, Harmony and Medicine Book

Authors: Donna Carey, LAc, Ellen F. Franklin, PhD, Judith Ponton, DC, MAc, LAc, Paul Ponton, MAc, LAc and MichelAngelo, MFA
Design: John D. Berry
Layout Design: Geri Sullivan
Illustrator: Gail Geltner
Hard Cover: 610 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 987-0-9716091-2-9
Product Dimensions: 12.25 x 9.25 x 1.75
This comprehensive new book explores our relationship to the cosmos, demonstrating the vastness, power, and direct connection between planetary influences and human experiences. Bridging rational and intuitive knowledge, art and science, Acutonics draws on East Asian Medicine, Western medicine, energy medicine, physics, depth psychology, astrological medicine, and sound healing principles to create a powerful and innovative approach to optimal health. Through the laws of physics, many recent scientific advances, and the exploration of myths and archetypes, clear evidence and fresh insights are presented that demonstrate the ways in which the collective vibrations of the universe impact our emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies.
This full-color book also includes new information on the use and application of precision-calibrated planetary tuning forks; on acupuncture points, trigger points, and points of pain; a fresh new look at the eight extraordinary vessels; treatment photos; and magnificent images from space. Acutonics From Galaxies to Cells: Planetary Science, Harmony, and Medicine is the culmination of more than fifteen years of research, teaching, and clinical experience. At its core, Acutonics recognizes the profound universal connections between the natural world, body, mind, and spirit, and the role that they each play in our journey toward wholeness.
Advance Quotes
Allow all your senses to come alive as you delve into this beautifully illustrated, in-depth exploration of the dynamic resonance between all levels of consciousness from cell to the cosmos. Reminding us that there is no separation except in our mind, this is a must read for all who consider themselves cutting edge scientists, psychologists and healers. —Christine Page MD, author of Frontiers of Health, 2012 and the Galactic Center: the Return of the Great Mother
From ancient symbols and intuition to modern approaches for health, From Galaxies to Cells inspires all who are interested in the world of resonance, harmony and tone. —Don Campbell, author of The Mozart Effect and Healing at the Speed of Sound
A powerful, comprehensive roadmap that reveals the fascinating correspondence that exists between modern science, mythology, eastern medicine, and clinical health strategies. Clear and compelling, you are drawn into a story of our universe that is played out within each of us. This is an important contribution for those who want to understand the mystery of life and the potential for healing. —David Surrenda, PhD, John F. Kennedy University, Founder of Graduate School of Holistic Studies
The connected systems from astronomy to biology present what might be a trans-disciplinary view on healing. In a world that values reductionism, this is a brave new contribution to the healing journey. —William Morris, PhD, DOM, LAc
This book synthesizes the huge shifts occurring today leading us through a complex dance of information and healing where the subtle vibrations of the planets, stars and sun can be harnessed to positively affect us not just at a cellular level, but a subatomic level where matter and energy dance the spiral of life. —Wendy Arthur, MD
The East Asian Medicine practitioner, Jungian psychotherapist, cultural anthropologist, astrologer, quantum physicist – will resonate with the obvious research and profound insight found within each page. As a healer with a background in bodywork, counseling, cultural anthropology, and education, I found this book integrates all these perspectives in a congruent and enlightening way. What a joy! —Susie Hale, LMBT, LPC
This excellent book combines modern science with ancient wisdom, the result – harmonic system of healing and self-perfection. Teaching this system in Russia and Ukraine, there is great interest among medical doctors, and other health care practitioners. Planetary tuning forks, secrets of Chinese medicine; planets and astrology; myths and modern reality… provide new insights of our place in this world and the role of sound. —Oxana Merimskaya, MD, PhD, LAc, teacher of Su Jok acupuncture and Acutonics, Moscow, Russia
A few years ago, I had the delightful experience of being in a room full of planetary-attuned Acutonics gongs. Every cell in my body still remembers the goofy exultation of banging them all willy-nilly and then just standing in the center of the room feeling the whole solar system pulse through me. I immediately, vaguely, felt that these sounds could heal. Along comes Acutonics From Galaxies to Cells: Planetary Science, Harmony, and Medicine, and I see that vague feeling converted into a totally practical, astrologically based system of support for the wellbeing of body, mind, and spirit. When I think of tomorrow’s expanded definition of astrological counsel, I hear gongs and tuning forks. —Steven Forrest, author of The Inner Sky, etc.
From Galaxies to Cells… Nothing less than a monumental work! Donna Carey and Ellen Franklin have devoted decades to the research, correlations, and practical applications of interconnectivity. This exquisite scientific and heartfelt exploration into unity inspires me greatly. If you are interested in resonance and the use of frequencies for healing, Acutonics From Galaxies to Cells has the power to change your life. We are all richer for this masterwork! —Joshua Leeds, Author of The Power of Sound and Through a Dog’s Ear