Valerie Carpenter, MFA

Valerie Carpenter is a Sound Living consultant and Mind/Body Wellness Practitioner. As Director of The Vestibule Center for Sound Living in the SF Bay Area, she specializes in sound-based therapies that bring mind, body, spirit into inner harmony and balance.
Valerie Carpenter, MFA, is a Sound Healing practitioner in the San Francisco Bay Area, with certifications from the California Institute of Integral Studies, the Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine, LLC, Integrated Listening Systems, and the Vox Mundi School of the Voice. Drawing on a vast array of experience as a performing artist, workshop facilitator, and intrepid explorer of the inner realms, she offers a multi-modal sound healing approach that embraces the shamanic healing arts. She has developed effective protocols for stress relief, grounding and centering, spiritual emergence, and trauma recovery, and works with individuals, couples and groups. Valerie is the co-founder of the Bay Area Sound Healing Alliance and the founding director of The Vestibule Center for Sound Healing, a community resource for healing, learning, expression, and personal growth. She is co-author with Silvia Nakkach of the bestselling book, Free Your Voice: Awaken to Life Through Singing. For more information, please visit
Valerie Carpenter offers a unique synthesis of therapeutic sonic massage, shamanic healing arts, and "sound body" coaching, empowering you to live the life you desire with the good health you deserve.
Welcome to The Vestibule, where you will find a unique synthesis of therapeutic sonic massage, shamanic healing arts, and "sound body" coaching, empowering you to live the life you desire with the good health you deserve!
Valerie Carpenter is certified in Sound, Voice, and Music Healing from the California Institute of Integral Studies. She is an advanced Acutonics® practitioner and a certified practitioner of the Total Focus® home listening programs from Integrated Listening Systems. Valerie is co-founder of the Bay Area Sound Healing Alliance (BAYSHA).