Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine
Donna Carey demonstrates Acutonics tuning fork technique

Acutonics® Institute of Integrative Medicine

The Acutonics® Institute of Integrative Medicine is the creator of an in-depth certification program in the applied use of sound vibration that draws on East Asian medicine, psychology, science and the arts. We are also the developers of a series of sound healing tools that are used by health care practitioners around the world to promote health and well-being.

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Professional Sound Healing Tools

Our Story

Our headquarters are based in the rural mountains of Northern New Mexico. Living in harmony with the natural world, close to nature, we grow our own food and conduct research into the therapeutic use of sound vibration for health promotion, agricultural production and processes.

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The Big Shift: What’s in Store This Season

Astrological Insights

The Big Shift: What’s in Store This Season

As 2024 draws to a close, we're on the edge of a cosmic pivot. Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and regeneration, settled into Aquarius on November 19th after beginning its initial crossover from Capricorn on March 23rd, 2023.

Spring Equinox, Year of the Wood Snake


Spring Equinox, Year of the Wood Snake

Donna and Ellen discuss recent travels in Asia and the call to find a renewed since of purpose and discovery, and community.

QiGong with Cody: Episode 2 - “Punching With An Angry Gaze”

Self-Care Affirmations

QiGong with Cody: Episode 2 - “Punching With An Angry Gaze”

Join Acutonics Faculty Cody Foor in the second installment of his QiGong + Acutonics series for the month of November . "The theme of this month in Acutonics Cosmos is Jupiter, our expansive and benefic friend. In honor of Jupiter and his association with the Wood Element and Liver, I am sharing the Brocade often called “Punching With An Angry Gaze”. The Wood element emotional pathology relates to anger, resentment and frustration. Many are having an extra dose of these feelings as we are still processing a contentious election year in America and witnessing the injustices and sufferings around the world as a global citizens." -Cody Foor

The Mothership

The Mothership

Anamnesis: Remember the Whole During a Time of Profound Loss and Despair

In Acutonics Level I Donna addressed global amnesia, how it is far too easy to forget past evils, horrific crimes, and wrongdoing and that we must reclaim the ancient idea of Anamnesis, to remember the whole. This is the basis of Taoism, it is a concept that carries through time and many perennial traditions and philosophies, as an accepted universal truth. Anamnesis is the closest that the human mind can come to experiencing the freedom of the soul prior to its being encumbered by matter. The soul and individual consciousness coming back to its divine origins.